nineteen; it's

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"It started off as nothing, cause of no emotions. But ever since I've gotten them back, I noticed the little things about you that make my heart flutter" Killer sighed.

"I-" Nightmare started, but was interrupted by Killer.

"Hush, let me talk first. The little things- the way you get all fidgety when you have something on your mind, the face you make when trying to hide your worry. It's not as embarrassing as you think. We all have our own worried, wether we admit it or not. You care for all of us, even if you don't want to admit it. You know so" Killer stared directly into Nightmare's eye, demanding an answer.

Nightmare coughed, rather awkwardly, "like, like as in love or like, the friendly, platonic love?".

"Oh you idiot, I thought you were smarter than this" Killer grinned.

Nightmare's expression lit up then quickly turned a light shade of maroon.

"Well- I want to start by expressing something. I've never really told anyone. I never really had anyone show me any affection, being the proclaimed 'King of Negativity' and all. People are scared of me, so dealing with all your affection is something alien to me in every way possible. Error helped me understand these feelings more, and I can say, with all my heart, dead or not, I do love you. The issue comes in where everything I've loved turns against me. I just don't want the mental anguish all over again" Nightmare said slowly, and a weight he hadn't known he had been carrying lifted off his entire being.

Killer inched towards Nightmare, "I promise, I won't turn against you. I think I'd much rather die" he offered him a smile.

"That would be nice" Nightmare smiled, watching the way the sun bounced off Killer's curly locks.

"I hope this means we're together" Killer let out a small squeal, his face red.

"Of course we are, you idiot" Nightmare smirked.

"Good! Let's get inside, frankly, I'm freezing!" Killer shot up, cuddling Mocha closer to him.
Nightmare had just noticed that they both were soaking wet from splashing each other in a petty cat fight in the pool earlier.

"Alright, let's head in".


Killer and Nightmare had a lot of bonding sessions since then (staying holy of course), learning more about each other. Nightmare had opened up more since that day at the pool, and the other members noticed the quite dramatic change in his personality.

"Nightmareeeee" Cross whined, "Error stole all my chocolate!".

"Sounds like a you problem" Nightmare mumbled.

"I heard that! Just make Error give it backkkk" Cross continued whining.

Nightmare raised an eyebrow, slightly disgusted, "You want him to give you his shit?".

"Ew- what?".

"They only way you're getting that chocolate back is if he shits it out" Nightmare explained, "I don't really think you'd want that".

"Well I said I wanted my chocolate back" Cross made a face, "I stand by what I say".

"Alright then, tell him I told you to tell him" Nightmare whisked Cross away, "Just don't blame me if he doesn't talk to you ever again".

"Alright" Cross shrugged as he ran towards Error, who was sitting on the couch, watching television, happily munching on a bar of chocolate.

"Errrorrrrr!" Cross exclaimed, body slamming Error.

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