twelve; frantic

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"We have some more questions to ask you!" Dream demanded as he dragged a dumbfounded Killer out of bed. His brain, apparently, not working yet either.

Killer was set onto a wooden chair. He flinched as he heard a loud echoing click sound. The room was cold and bare, any sound made echoed deafeningly.

"Let's get right to the point. Last time, you didn't answer any of our questions" Ink spat, "I don't care what measures we have to take today, as long as you don't die, you will answer our inquiries. We won't wait any longer for information, especially if it requires us to play the bad cop".

Killer only rolled his eyes, "That's not very nice of you! Especially right as I was settling into your lovely home", sarcasm soaked his words.

"Make all the remarks you want, we'll be having the last laugh" Ink said, clearly agitated.

Dream started slow, sending a few electric shocks at Killer, who reacted slowly. He refused to let them have the satisfaction of causing him pain.

"First; where is Nightmare located?" Ink demanded.

"He's in Narnia, sorry to break it you" Killer held back a gasped as his right arm got a rather undignified electric shock.

"Second; are you having any contact with the outside?".

No response, another undignified electric shock. Killer muffled his gasp as his left arm started shaking uncontrollably.
The sight only caused Dream to shoot Ink a look which screamed 'I don't want to be here'.

"Third; I hear you've become rather fond of a man named Outer?" Ink smirked.

Killer couldn't help but react, giving Ink a dirty glare and shaking his bonds, "What if I am?".

"Oh, It would be a shame if something bad happened to him, wouldn't it?" Ink shrugged, watching Killer.

"You bitch!" Killer barked as he summoned a throwing knife, quickly snapping through his bonds and throwing it directly at Ink.

Ink dodged of course. He cursed to himself, Color, that dirty traitor. He'd have to deal with him later.

Killer summoned several more, throwing them at Dream and Ink, both of whom avoided getting hit rather easily.

"Ink!" Dream yelled as he brought out his array of arrows, "Killer's getting away! He's going to get Outer and hide!".

"Oh boy, he'll be in for a surprise. Remember Dream? Killer can't teleport outside of timelines yet. Instead he'll be in for a shock the second he reaches the front door" Ink smirked again.

Killer took deep breathes as he bolted for the front door. What rotten luck! How'd Ink even know about Outer? Just as he finished his last thought, he'd thrown the door open.

Killer quickly tensed, "Outer?".

"Surprise!" The other did jazz hands, his golden blonde hair looked messy.

"Wait- what are you doing here?" Killer held both hands out in confusion. He looked rather silly.

"Oh yikes, I'd assumed you would of figured it out! I'm a secret ally to the Stars! I was posted to watch you and keep tabs since Color reported that you'd been sneaking out every night".

Killers face dropped, his expression held one of anger, confusion, and betrayal. Outer though, did enjoy the others company, but he wasn't going to admit that to anyone.

"So" Killer cackled, he was close as hell to snapping, "I guess I'm done in for, right?".

Outer watched the other fearfully, "I- Yes you are" he replied as he summoned some bones.

"I would hate to trash the house so would you do me a favor and go back?" He smiled. The same damn smile Color had. Killer cursed himself and everyone else. He could slowly feel the thick tar like substance rolling down his cheeks.

Outer grabbed Killer by the chains and dragged him back into the interrogation room.

"Ah, I see you've found Outer! How do you feel?" Ink smirked as he wrapped an arm around Outer's neck.

"You're all a rotten bitch, all of you!" Killer yelled, his eyes closed and not even trying to resist the bonds being placed on him.

"Just doing what's necessary" Ink grinned.

Killer had begun to lose hope and hung his head low as Ink proceed to ask him the same questions. He still refused to answer. He refused to be the reason his team would fall all because of a little electric shock.

"Actually, Outer, come here" Ink said.

"I- okay?" Outer replied, sounding confused as he quickly stepped towards Ink.

"So!" Ink exclaimed, his voice echoing, "Do you have any questions before we start?".

Outer looked terrified, and Ink could tell that he knew precisely what was going to happen.

"Alright then! You're going to be helping us get information out of Killer! Do though, try not to cut too harshly into his skin. We need to make sure Cross cant hear a thing" Ink said the last part nonchalantly as he threw the Stary man a sharp knife.

Outer caught it and held it, mystified and scared.
Killer glanced up at Outer and the two shared an entire conversation, the arguing and the small talk, all in one glance. Outer's eyes started to gleam.

Outer started slicing Killer's arms lightly enough so that it only drew a little bit of blood. Regardless, Ink seemed satisfied knowing Killer was suffering to some extent, and even better was that Outer was too.

"I'll start asking the questions again. If you don't comply I will make Outer cut a little deeper every time" Ink said.

Killer shot Ink a dirty glare.

"First; Where can we locate Nightmare?".

"I told you before, Narnia" Killer whispered. Outer had to suppress a small giggle as he snaked the knife around the bonds.

"I expect a real, definitive answer, Killer" Ink responded, pissed, "I'm giving you one more chance. Where can we find Nightmare?".

"In his base, obviously" Killer smirked.

"Alright, Oute-" Ink was cut off by a throwing knife hitting the wall, barely missing his skull.

The two had teleported away as Ink blinked, still in slight shock. The sight of the empty chair infuriated him.

"Dream, you better pull this shit off" Ink fumed.

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