four: his

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"Killer! You've slept in far too much, Nightmare wishes to speak to you" Dust spoke from the other side of Killer's door.

Dust had become decent friends with Killer for the time he had been there. While Dust did find Killer's lack of emotions weird sometimes, he definitely knew how to crack a few jokes.

"Oh" Killer said. He knew what Nightmare wanted to talk about.

"It's probably nothing, don't worry about it" Dust added.

Killer looked at his friend weirdly before nodding slowly. The two has a knack for knowing what each other were thinking about, yet he doubted Dust knew exactly what it was about.

Dust left. The other could tell because he heard soft footsteps fading off into the opposite direction.

Killer quickly threw on a dark sweater that was several sizes too large for him and a pair of acid washed ripped jeans.
He had an appreciation for the fact loose clothing was a thing. It gave him space to move around and made him feel more free, something he craved.

Swiftly making his way down the staircase he stood in front of Nightmare's office. The door was sleek and almost luminescent.

He knocked three times and heard a soft grunt from Nightmare.
"Come in" he said.

Killer opened the door. He was greeted by a windowless room and a large computer sitting on Nightmares desk. The blue reflection made Nightmare's cyan eye stand out. It looked nice.

"Hurry up. I don't have all the time in the world" Nightmare spoke confidently.

"I'm aware you've received an unwelcome parcel lately" The ravenette spoke coldly.
The part that unsettled Killer slightly was that he said it like a command, he wasn't asking and he sure as hell knew he received something.

"Yes I have. It was a letter written to me in dark purple pen and on a piece of atrociously bright rainbow parchment" Killer replies.

"I want you to stop reading any other letters sent by this person. They're not working for or with you, they're working against you" upon seeing Killer's confused face Nightmare continued. "They're using you only to backstab you to take the team down".

Nightmare could see the gears turning in Killer's mind. Personally, he was slightly afraid on how Color had managed to contact Killer. He was glad he had been able to detect it, but who knows if he'll be that lucky again.

"Alright. I'll be sure to tell you next time" Killer responded.
Nightmare swore he could of heard some doubt in his partners voice but he shrugged it off. It was too early for this.

"You're dismissed" Nightmare waved his hand towards the door.

Once back in the comforts of his room, Killer collapsed onto his bed.

After the slight interrogation he felt drained. Nightmare knew how to unsettle him in the slightest ways and he didn't like the feeling.

As if by muscle memory, Killer's hand shifted towards the letter he had received.
He actually didn't mind the rainbow design. In fact, he felt drawn to it in a weird way.

He held the note up, examining it.
This person seems like a nice one, I wonder why they would do anything like that, Killer thought.

Holding the note up to the light, he noticed faint, barely noticeable pencil that read "water".

Thoroughly confused he decided to grab a glass of water from the kitchens. Luckily the mansion was empty this early in the morning.

He didn't want to dip the note in the water. The letter meant a lot to him.
After a few minutes of intense concentration he decided it was worth the risk.

Grabbing the note, he hastily dunked it in the water before he could hesitate.
He sat for several seconds before faint writing started appearing.

He gasped. How impressive!

He grabbed the note out of the water as he had felt an urge to keep the letter safe at all times. It was a funny sensation.

"Hi Killer. I'm glad you've found this part of the letter! If this isn't Killer reading this, buzz off.

Killer, I'm Color. I work for the Star Sanses, the Evil's sworn enemies. Before you rush this off to HIM; I really hope you finish reading this letter.

I'm here to help you, I promise. I've seen what HE made you go through. I want to help you gain emotions back. I think that the Stars might back me up on this decision.

I know I can't gain your trust to quickly. That's why I plan on sending more letters. We should get to know each other more! You're genuinely quite interesting.

Once you feel comfortable (It's like when you trust someone, I'm sure you already made a friend or two), we can meet up.

If you're rash (which I hope you aren't!), we can meet up as soon as possible. I'll be waiting everyday at XXXXX!XXXX from 1-7PM. I have a friend there and I meet them everyday so it'll be nice for us to all meet up.

I hope you write back! (Just send the letter to the address above!).

^-^ Color".

Killer reread the secret note several times. His awe was impressive.

He liked the little face Color had drawn next to his sign off.
He also liked how Color was a sly yet caring person, from what he could make out of at least.

Killer looked around the room before slipping the note into the soles of his sneakers. An unlikely place anyone would check unless it was a drug check.

He could feel a tugging sensation on the corners of his lips. The feelings? Maybe he owed them to this Color person. Without the letter he wouldn't be so- dare he say it- giddy?

He prospect of feeling a new emotion was definitely interesting. Maybe he could finally communicate what he wanted to much for effectively and fluently.

After all, Color made the emotions seem so small and pointless. He seemed rooted on befriending and making sure Killer was comfortable.

Yet, Killer was unsure if his newfound giddiness would be detected by Nightmare. With one emotion cracking through, more was bound to.

It made him much more hesitant to reply. Surely if Nightmare could take away his emotion(s) once, he could do it again. He didn't want to work on getting them back and make a friend only for them to be stripped from him again!

After several hours of debilitating silence and debating to himself, he decided to reply. He would take up Color's "offer".
He wasn't sure how he could send the letter, but he'd focus on that later.

He sat down at his desk, pen scribbling messily across his parchment.

"Dear Color,
I'd be great if we could befriend each other...."

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