six: hopefully

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"Woah woah woah woah, hold up" Killer said, hand motions flying wild.

"You're color?" He asked, eyeing the man intently. He wasn't sure if it was an imposter, or if he could trust him at all. Who knows?

"Yep! I'm Color! The one who's been sending you the parcel, it feels nice that I can finally talk to you in person. We've got a lot to do and not so little time so I suggest we go" Color said, leaning against the wall.

"I guess I should give you a few minutes", Color said, looking around Killer's room, "pack the essentials, I can get whatever is replaceable for you later".

Killer looked at Color directly in the eyes, which flashed between shades of royal blue and forest green.

"Packing won't be necessary, I only need my knife". Color shot a quizzical look at the shorter before nodding.

"I'm assuming you aren't as agile as I am, so we'll make short, erratic teleportations. It should throw out our codes and make us more difficult to find" Color said, his voice bold and confident.

He knew what hes doing, Killer thought.
He grinned slightly, holding Color's arm. Bracing himself for the dizzying feeling of timeline teleportation.

See, when you teleport in a timeline, you feel little to no rebound affects, but timeline jumping requires different coding to happen, a sudden unnatural dematerialization. It causes the brain to go haywire for a few minutes, especially when erratically teleporting timeline to timeline.

Killer hasn't felt the affects when teleporting with Nightmare because he was basically a god, and could overthrow the side effects with ease.

Error could easily track them down; he himself was something of a glitch. It gave his special abilities like checking where everyone was teleporting. Rapidly teleporting in succession can overwhelm the tracking. Then the system become unreliable and messy.

"Here we go!" Color yelped.
Killer shut his eyelids, yet he could see the golden rays flashing as they landed and left each timeline.
They prayed that no one saw them.

Slowly, Killer started getting nauseous and his legs started to feel weak and nimble. He wouldn't really be in a good walking condition when Color would stop teleporting.

Eventually, after a few shaky seconds, the duo landed semigracefully on the pavement.

"Are you well?" Color asked Killer.
Killer was leaning heavily against Color. His head felt like it was getting stabbed, the back is his eyes stung and ached, his legs felt like jelly on twigs.

"I think I might require a nap" Killer mumbled, his hands suddenly feeling like heavy slabs of marble.

"Oh, of course. You're not used to timeline teleportation jumping yet" Color smiled lightly. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!".

"Oh, thanks?" Killer said.

"It's nothing! This is quite a new job for me, so I apologize if we might have to make an emergency evacuation", the taller said, grinning brilliantly.

Killer, feeling a bit confused, nodded and shot Color a small grin.

"Let's get you inside now. Can't have you sitting out in the sun forever, you'll become a burnt chicken nugget out here!" Color exclaimed, hands flying in the hair in dramatized exasperation.

Killer, still feeling slightly confused, Starr's blankly at Color.
"What?" He mumbled, one eyebrow raised high, arms crossed.

"Oh, nothing, just an old joke I like" Rainbow man responded, smiling.

"Good morning sleepy head!" A voice shouted, shortly followed by a loud crashing sound.

Startled, Killer shot out of the bed-knife in hand, aimed at the voice.

"Woah! That's not very friendly, drop the knife" Color declared, lowering the knife slightly with his finger.

"Oh" Killer squinted and uttered. He gently placed his knife on the bed and sat besides it.

"Now, how are you feeling?" Color nagged, tugging Killer's hair.

"I guess I feel the same as before, but better" Killer tilted his head.
"Yeah, I feel better".

"Alright! Now let's go eat breakfast! We're having cereal today, hope you don't mind" Color said cheekily.

"Cereal is one of my favorites, lead the way" Killer motioned towards the exit.

"What? You don't like the little cute marshmellows? They're super sweet, c'mon!" Color whined as he picked out a four leaf clover marshmellow Lucky charms.

"Well, unlike you, I don't run purely off of good vibes and sugar from marshmellows" Killer deflected the question.

"Well, I don't see how people enjoy plain wheat cereal with a dash of honey"

"You'd be surprised, a lot of people I know enjoy plain foods".

The table fell into a comfortable silence, minus the birds chirping outside. The air was almost soft, but it felt almost unnatural.
It made Killer feel like he was going to get jumped or mugged.

Killers mind started drifting. He thought about the sky, how the clouds were in weird little shapes. He wondered how Nightmare was going, how Dust and Horror were doing. If Cross and Error are still fighting over who got to choose the channel on the televsion.

The thought brought a warm smile to his face, and he decided that it was probably euphoria. He missed the loud banter of his friends around the echoy mansion.
The footsteps running around the floors above, the kitchen cabinets opening and closing constantly, the fridge as well.

It was quite different than Colors quaint little house, where the sun seemed to shine all day and you could almost touch the butterflies that lazily flew around everywhere.

It was almost entirely quiet minus the ac and their breathing. It took a second before Killer realized Color was staring at him.
He felt like Color was staring into his soul through his eyes, which sounded ridiculous since his soul was floating a few inches above his chest. But that's besides the point.

He stared back, watching the eyes fade from blood red to tangerine orange, then to lemon yellow.
It was slightly mesmerizing and hypnotic, also a bit weird since the colors looked so saturated.

"So, I guess you're good with a knife?" Color asked, the edge to his voice already suggesting he knew Killers response.

"Well, I wouldn't say good, but it's my weapon of choice".

"Ah, alright. I myself am specialized in
weapons, mostly pistols and machetes. I would help you hone your skills" Color suggested.

Killer spoke without hesitation, "I would like it if you could help me master the use of a knife".

Grinning, Color said, "hurry up and finish eating then! We've got our work cut out for ourselves today. But im hopeful everything will work out".


authors note: new cover! i drew it myself and im happy with the way it turned out, hopefully you all done mind the cover change✨

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