seventeen; because

999 52 68

"What the actual dying fuck?" Dust mumbled.

They had just arrived at the scene. A flash of rainbow brushed past them before they heard a load grunt and shuffling.

Cross crumpled to the ground, his breathing heavy and labored. A frightening amount of blood oozing out of his deathly pale body. His eyes were lidded and looked heavy, his fingers shook like he was freezing.

Error tried stopping the bleeding with little success. He had tried applying pressure on the large wound. In fact, Cross had a large slash on his chest that was an angry, bruised purple color. It went from his pelvis to just under his heart. It was definitely not a pretty sight and Killer cringed.

"Guys!" Error cried, "The wound just won't stop bleeding".

"What the hell?" Outer's fingers grazed the wound, earning him a painful wince from Cross.

"Can you try healing him?" Nightmare asked, his attention was focused on the amount of blood Cross was losing.

"Probably just enough to stop the bleeding.." Outer eyes the wound as if it would pounce on him.

"Well? Go ahead, even stopping the bleeding mostly could probably give us a little more time to save his life" Nightmare shrugged.

"I'll try..." Outer said hesitantly.
He crouched over Cross, hands hovering above the wound. He slowly started to scrunch his brow in frustration, concentration, and what might be pain.
As a green glow started illuminating the injury, the blood slowly started to stop. Instead of a waterfall of crimson, they were left with a moderate stream. His fingers had stopped shaking and some life returned to his eyes. Still not good, but a decent chunk better.

Outer collapsed, his breathing heavy, "I- I think that's all I can do".

"You did well" Killer have Outer a smile and a pat on the back as he helped him stand.

"What the hell even happened?" Horror said, demanding an answer.

"What does it look like? They fought back" Dust grumbled, "Too bad we couldn't be here...".

"Error, get Cross out of here, drag Outer along with you. Take him to Sci, he'll be able to help, even if it's a little bit right now" Nightmare commanded, his voice wavered with a lack of confidence.

"Got it" Error nodded as he teleported with Cross and a nearly knocked out cold Outer.

"Alright, clean the blood and we'll get the hell out of here" Nightmare said.

The Murder trio gave the same solemn nod as Error and swiftly cleaned the blood. Although, the smell lingered for a while longer in the air.

Without a word being said, they all teleported away to the mansion. The light, surprisingly fragrant air was welcoming.
An overwhelming smell of flowers and dewy grass hinted with lemons. What a pleasant scent for such an evil place?

The group spread out and did their usual activities. Dust was mumbling to himself as he relaxed on the couch. He claimed he was speaking to his brother, and most of the mansion believed him. Horror at first claimed he must of been schizophrenic, and Dust just shrugged and responded with a simple 'Maybe'.

Horror was in his room, presumably making more of those gross head-dogs made from severed human heads. He claimed they tasted better when he made them. Too bad he wasn't as good at making normal, regular, edible food. They had found out the hard way when Horror nearly burned down the mansion a while back.

Nightmare was in his office, reading a horror novel. He needed his attention on something that wasn't one of his members dying, and he adored reading.

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