sixteen; relax

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It was 5pm. The mission was going so smoothly, Killer was skeptical of how it was actually going to turn out. Probably not well, but he didn't want to jinx it so he thought about how much he looked forward to dinner. What? He loved a good meal.

Horror, Dust, and Killer had been told to carry out the mission by themselves. Nightmare said this was was so that Error and Cross could bond, they had been fighting a lot lately, especially over chocolates across the mansion. This also worked in Nightmare's favor, having two groups create negativity means more for him.

Dust led the group, his personality was perfect for taking a leader role for a little while. He was confident yet quiet when he needed to be, he was probably the deadliest of the three in terms of raw bloodlust and split second decision making.
Horror definitely had strength on his side, lugging around an axe does tend you make you bulk up quickly. Although he was hot headed and sometimes, if he was in a good mood (which was rare), would declare himself a 'meme lord'.
Killer was the most agile of the three, able to quickly stalk his way to point A to B with almost no one noticing his presence. It also helped his knife throwing abilities and made his stabs even more fatal. He depended on his element of surprise.

Together, the three were almost unstoppable. Not so much independently, but is they all worked together they could accomplish almost anything. This is why they were dubbed as the Murder Trio, even if they didn't really get along, Horror and Dust especially.

Before they arrived, they knocked out and killed a few random guards that were posted around the building 24/7. They were a nuisance to deal with and they thought that Nightmare would appreciate the thought, Killer especially.

Now, they had just made it past the extensive security cameras lined on the walls, grass, and fence. Of course, they had to eliminate every camera in sight immediately, this is where Killer and Horror came in. Killer would deal with the cameras on the wall and fence, throwing a(n) never ending supply of his throwing knives at them. Horror stalked the ground, crushing any hidden there.

"Let's hurry this up, I'm not really willing to stay here for three hours, this place gives off the wrong vibes", Horror mumbled as he smashed the last camera.
Killer wondered what he meant by 'wrong vibe', although, the air was definitely tense.

"Shut up! Just follow me" Dust whispered as he led the group forward.

As part of their study material, Nightmare has given them a map on the layout of the large facility. They had each roughly memorized it, but walking through its long, dramatic halls was much more different than staring at a sheet of paper for hours.

"Ugh this is taking forever" Killer mumbled to himself.

"Well, as I said, shut up!" Dust hissed. He was getting severely impatient. He too, wanted nothing more than the job to get interesting. Waiting was a bore, watching people die though, that's different, and he needed all the the EXP he could get.

Killer huffed quietly, throwing a knife at another camera just around the corner.

Now, why would they go through all this trouble when they could easily just teleport in and kill the man? Because Nightmare told them not to.
The fear, anguish, and slight repulsion was what he really needed, not the man dead. They made their journey slow and painful, making sure to take out every camera even when the man probably already knew it was them.

"Bro this is taking foreverrrr" Horror sounder rather childish.

"Shut the fuck up" Dust growled. And Horror complained about Killer being childish.
In fact, Killer had been oddly silent the entire time, his eyes had turned back into their black state, the liquid rolling down his cheeks but not staining anything. It seemed to disappear mid-air as it fell.

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