thirteen; beginnings.

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Killer and Outer ran towards the main living area, deciding they had the highest chance of finding Cross there.

Lucky them! Cross was sitting on the couch, lazily looking out the window. He obviously seemed bored out of his mind.

"Oh shit!" Cross exclaimed as he gripped his chest, "You gave me a scare! What happened to you!?".

"Later. Call Nightmare!" Killer gasped, his arms had started going numb.

Cross frantically pressed every button on the remote. In a state of panic he had forgotten which button did what. To be fair, every button would be useful, they were kind of compromised.

"We're taking Outer with us! If we can help it, Color would be nice as well. Meet me outside the estate!" Killer explained before he teleported out of the room.

"Damn and I was just getting bored" Cross smiled, "Maybe something interesting will finally happen".

The monochromatic man teleported outside the estate. The grass was green, smelled and looked dewy and fresh. The sky was a bright, confident shade of azure blue and the clouds looked fluffy and soft.

"Cross!" Outer uttered, "Over here". Outer was motioning towards a rather hefty sized bush.

Cross slipped behind the bush. Killer and Outer were hiding behind the bush, the chocolate haired man grasping his arm.

"How long did you say Nightmare would take to get here?" Killer asked.

"I didn't... probably another minute or two since he needs to gather everyone up" Cross blew his fringe out of his eye, possibly bored once more.

"Damn it!" Killer gasped as his arm started pooling more blood.

Outer frantically ripped off a chunk of his jacket and tied it tightly to the others arm, trying to stop the bleeding.
The air around them smelled like blood.

A tense minute passed. Nothing happened and it felt like the world was at a stand still.

Suddenly, several footsteps were heard, followed by the sound of crunching leaves and twigs under the weight of a person.

The three quickly coiled up like a spring, ready to attack whoever got near them. Cross held a large butchers knife, Killer had a throwing knife (he had been unable to find a kitchen knife, curses), and Outer was holding a bone like blade he had summoned.

"Cross?! Killer!?" A chorus of familiar voices was heard.

The three exchanged quick glances of relief as they popped out of the bush. In front of them was the rest of the Bad Sanses. Nightmare, Dust, Horror, and Error.

"Oh thank the gods" Horror uttered, sounding relieved.

"I see my plan did work, Horror" Nightmare said slyly as he motioned for the three to step forward.

"We're getting the hell out of here" He examined Killer. He didn't appreciate the appearance his soul took on. The brunette exuded little to no negative emotions. He also didn't appreciate his bloody arms and tired expression.
He would have to ask questions later.

Of course, at the worst time, a golden arrow zipped by. It narrowly missed Killer and hit one of Nightmares tentacle like appendages which he had summoned. He let out an unholy screech as pain consumed his body.

The group quickly started attacking where the arrow originated. Dream stood there, proud, before he quickly teleported away to another elevated spot.

"Dream!" Cross yelled angrily. He had grown close to the golden man and found his presence calming and refreshing from the constant negativity from the Bad Sanses. They had a nice friendship going on, and it hurt to see him attacking the people who had essentially became his family.

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