five: misery.

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Nightmare was getting ever so suspicious. Whenever Killer could, he was locked inside his room, he stopped hanging out with Dust and had completely isolated himself from everyone else.

Killer frequently skipped meals and lessons, pissing off the rest of the team slightly. Nightmare did not take this lightly, and decided he'd have to deal with it himself.

The next day, a slightly emotional Killer lay in bed. He had normal, salty tears mixing with his determination tear trail.

Suddenly he fell to the floor in a panicked frenzy when Nightmare opened his door.

"I was checking in on you, Killer" Nightmare said quietly as he shut the door behind him.

The faint golden light in the room made Nightmare look more sharp and slightly regal. Not that Killer payed much attention to it.

"You've been acting more strangely than you usually do... are you hiding something?". With the last four words, Nightmare was right up in Killer's face, his eye gleaming with anger.

"Why would I have anything to hide from you?" Killer said softly.

Nightmare looked deeply into Killer's void like eyes. His glare was unsettling and cold, yet really hot- the anger radiating off his glare could melt ice.

All Killer did was stare back, staying completely still. He wouldn't deny he felt a little worried and then some, the rush of adrenaline made it hard for him not to fidget around.

"If it's to do with the parcel, you better tell me, but something tells me you won't spill it regardless. Im watching you, Killer" Nightmare whispered into the others ear before he marched out of the room.

Jumping onto his bed, he let out a loud sigh, and the sudden heavy atmosphere dropped. He didn't even realize how tense he was until he stretched.

'That damn letter just cant leave me alone' Killer thought, he smirked- he didn't know why, it just felt right.

He stayed locked up in his room for a few more hours. All he did was mindlessly carve into his bed frame as he brainstormed about the letter.

He snapped out of his daze when he felt something shift, something weird was happening and he could feel in it his bones.

Glancing around, he threw his curtains aside and peered outside the window.

"Who's there?" Killer asked, his eyes scanning whatever he could examine.

He noticed the shadows, that shadow where his curtain is was behaving strangely. It didn't bend or move with the curtain. It seemed to have a mind of its own.

Eyeing the shadow down, it suddenly took the form of a snake with one giant cyan eye.
Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline and what he assumed was fear, he quickly slashed down the weird shadow snake.

He shut and locked his window, making sure not a beam of sunlight came through his curtains.
'Is this how he's watching me? How do I know there aren't more of them in my room?' Killer pondered. He has to keep his cool or else Nightmare might just become an actual nightmare to deal with.

A sudden high pitched knocking sound echoed his room. He carefully crept to his window, where the knocking seemed to come from.

Feeling extremely tense and taking a quick fighting stance, Killer threw his curtain aside.

Slightly shocked, standing in front of him was another human. He had long messy rainbow hair covering one of his eyes. The other was a brilliant shade of red that changed from a bright orange to sunset yellow and more!

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion. I'm the one that sent you that parcel. I was going to wait before I came here to get you, but seeing as Nightmare's going to up the surveillance, I had to act now" the man smiled. His smile was almost as bright as the sun behind him.

"I'm here to get you out of here, to end your misery".

A/N- I don't wanna bore you guys with authors notes, but im here to make a short and slightly childish case for the extremely overdue update and the rushed chapter.

1. I kept rewriting this chapter. I think this is the eighth time I've had to rewrite this!
2. I've finally been roped into the world of anime, and I've been binging a lot of it... I can see the addicting side of it!
I've already finished Attack on Titan (season 1-3), Black Butler, Demon Slayer, The Promised Neverland, and Im halfway done with Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

To the one person who I responded to saying the update would of been around the 14th, sorry! Consider this update for you 😌✨

(P.s, if anyone has some really good anime's that don't have too much romance in them, please comment or message me the name!).

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