fourteen; you

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It was the morning of the Evil Sanes field trip. Killer, Cross, and their guest, Outer were definitely the most excited.

Nightmare, Horror, and Dust were more hesitant and were going to play the 'parent watching over their insane children' role.
Error was the fine middle ground, happily looking at all the commodities, yet warily avoiding the rides.

Killer though, insisted that they should try a few different types before they stopped. Something about adrenaline rushes and yadda yadda. Only Nightmare paid full attention and even then, he was too busy staring.

"Everyone! Three minutes before I leave your sorry asses here!" Nightmare yelled as he tapped his foot impatiently.
They were going to be late and Killer was pestering him about wanting to leave right then and there.

Nightmare found it difficult to not remove his emotions, this side of Killer was weird and unusual. Cross seemed to find more friendship in this more ecstatic and childish Killer though.

"Horror! C'mon!" Outer whined, dragging the bloody man towards Nightmare, "Just today?".

"I'm not going unless I get to make a few head-dogs. It's been a while and I crave a few" Horror mumbled.
Outer immediately agreed as long as it wasn't him, someone from his timeline or the Stars.

Horror hesitantly stood next to Nightmare, grasping his arm. Everyone followed suite, grabbing their boss's arm as they teleported away.

"Oh wow it's fucking bright out here" Dust covered his eyes.
He was right, the sun was glaring above them angrily and the air smelled like sweat and sun lotion.

"Great first impression, eh?" Error elbowed Horror, who grunted.

"Shut up, let's go get ticketssss" Killer and Cross ran towards the counter, getting the group their tickets.

"I'm surprised no one's noticed who the hell we are yet" Error hummed as he took off his jacket. He was sweating.

"It's not like they care, plus, everyones fucking distracted. Even if they did, we rarely touch the medium timelines, and we usually only attack people like us" Nightmare explained as he watched Killer and Cross sprint towards them with tickets.
Narrowing his eyes, he noticed Cross was also trying to discreetly shove a few chocolate bars into his pockets. Nightmare face palmed. These idiots.

"Aight! One for the each of you, these'll last all day" Killer smiled as he handed everyone their tickets. His eyes had cleared up and now gained a reddish brown colored iris, it fit him perfectly and made Nightmare's face heat up.

"I'm not too sure buddy, these giant metal vehicles don't seem very safe" Dust mentioned as he took his ticket.

"Well, the chances are supposed to be super low. Plus, if we die, Nightmare Can just replace us" Killer answered, giddy.

"Well damn".

"Yeah, now lets go!".

The entire group slowly entered the park, passing through security rather slowly as a few people decided to bring weapons. It seemed most of the timelines that were't too positive or negative haven't heard of the Evil Sanses. Probably for the better, but it made Nightmare contemplate his timeline picking choices.

Lucky them, they made it past security and the sounds of loud screams was similar, but not so much as it was of amusement and not pure fear. That was a lie, a few screams sounded fearful, but it wasn't the kind of scream you'd hear right before you rip someone's guts out and jump rope with them.

"We should start with something more tame" Outer said as he snatched a map from a stand.
A quick examination showed all the rides were sprinkled around the large park, a few water rides here and there, a giant food court and a few children's rides in the corner.

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