ten; hardships

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"I'm back" Color announced as he shut the door behind him.

"What took so long? You realize you left super abruptly" Killer shook his head. His mind was swirling with ideas and theories about why.

Color chuckled, "you see, I remembered I had a job to carry out at the office today and I had just remembered. It was an important day today, that's for sure".

Killer narrowed his eyes. What a shit excuse, he thought to himself. His hand twitching for his knife.

"I didn't know you had a job" Killer raised an eyebrow.

Color seemed to grow steadily uncomfortable, his eyes erratic and breathing uneven. This was all Killer needed to know to determine that Color was lying.

"You Know, I couldn't help it, I saw a squirrel near the window earlier. You've been restricting me from killing anything and it's been driving me insane" Killer grinned, "I named him Albert before I minced him up".

Color was speechless, he could see where the 'conversation' was going. Before he could leave, Killer grabbed his arm, his grip tight, almost crushing.

"How rude of you! Leaving before I could finish talking! I really thought we could be friends at first, but your little act wasn't as flawless as your boss might think! I've been silently watching your every move and I know who you're working for" Killer said airily. He really wanted to kill the man in front of him.

"Although, I don't really know where they are... do you mind helping me?" Killer whispered as he brought his knife up to Colors chin, tracing it.
Color would feel the other's pure bloodlust radiating off of him. It was truly terrifying. It didn't help that some weird black tears started oozing from his blank eyes.

"And don't even try teleporting away, you'll just take me with you, no?" He said, knowing full well he was bluffing but he couldn't afford any mistakes. He was praying he was panicked enough that is clouded any logic the man had left.

"I- I mean-" Color stuttered, his eyes wide in shock and slight pain and Killer brought the knife closer to his chin, cutting it slightly.

"I would love to see your blood spilling from your body" Killer muttered, "What would your boss do if he found out I killed you using the exact skills you taught me?".

Color stayed silent, eyeing the knife that was hovering above his bottom lip. It was covered in a small amount of blood.

"Not too happy I assume. I could spare you the trouble if you take me to where the battle took place?" Killer smirked.

Color nodded as Killer continued talking, "Try and do anything funny and I'll slice your head off, yeah? Don't think you'd like that too much now would you?".

Killer stood beside Color and kept one arm gripping the taller's arm as the other kept the knife up to their neck. They teleported away with a loud pop.

The two landed on a patch of dead grass littered with a black tar like substance. Killer shook his head as he saw the black droplets reflect the sunlight.

"Now I'm sure they told you what happened? Spill it" Killer gripped his knife tighter, his knuckles turning paler.

"O-oh! Okay... W-well, Nightmare and his group, ambushed the Star Sanses and I about right there" Color pointed to the front door, "Then Dream told me to run and I did. Later they told me everything".

Color sighed, "They managed to convince Cross to join them instead, leaving Nightmare infuriated. Dream said that they needed to confirm that Cross was actually serious and they're conducting somewhat of an interrogation on him".

Killer hesitated for a second before he spoke, his voice bold, "You're going to take me wherever they are and tell them I was being uncompliant and lock me up or something. Make it so that Cross is the only person that can visit, make it sound like he's trying to urge me to join him. It's that clear? Any holes in the plan will be patched by you".

Color had the nerve to chuckle, "You truly are insane".

Killer smirked once again as the two teleported in front of the Star Sanses, who were sitting at a table eating lunch.

"Color! What are you doing here? Oh! Killer, get your knife out of here!" Dream scolded.

"I brought Killer here because he was being a bitch" Color spat angrily, "He tried killing me several times and I thought you guys could take better care of him".

"Of course" Ink said, eyeing Killer's knife. "You need to set your knife down unless you wanna get killed".

Killer did so, it clattered loudly against the ground as the Stars watched him carefully.

"Anything else? Any other weapons?" Dream questioned.
Killer shook his head, "no more".

"I heard you guys got to Cross, no?" Killer asked.

"We did, I assume Color told you? I guess you aren't too pleased about that" Ink smirked.

"Of course I'm not you dumb bitch" Killer rolled his eyes.

"Color send Killer to the guests room, he'll be there for a while as we discuss these manners", Ink said as he grabbed a pair of chains of the counter.

"Is there any powers he has we need to know? Minus the usual bone and Gaster Blaster summoning?" Ink asked.
Those chains prevented the wearer from using their powers. It's mostly made for use on Sanses, and any other powers had to be accounted for.

"No, but he does have one hell of a murderous spirit" Color shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"Put these on him when in the room. Come back down immediately after" Dream said, handing him the chains.

"Of course" Color said as he teleported away with Killer.

The room was small yet somewhat comfortable. It wasn't the mansion, but it was nice. It was a tad bit too blue for him though.

"Don't you dare tell them anything about the plan" Killer yawned as he summoned a throwing knife, aiming it at Color's head, "wouldn't want this imbedded in your pretty little head now would we?".

Killer had a murderous glint in his blank eyes that Color wasn't excited to see again. Scratch that, he never wanted to see again.

Color knew he was at a crossroads. If it snitched on Killer he'd most likely end up dead from both parties. Killer, for snitching. Stars for bringing him fully armed here and being dumb enough to lose his composure.

"I won't let you down" Color said as he placed the chains on Killer.
He kept his eye on that throwing knife. He crushed to himself mentally. He'd helped Killer pick that knife. He quickly teleported back to the Star Sanses, Cross sitting next to Blue.

Cross glared at Color, trying to understand the weird neon haired man. The unsettling glare made Color more nervous. Why is it me? He asked himself.

"Alright then, hurry up and get these chains on him" Ink said to Dream.
He nodded and grabbed the chains, teleporting away.

"Anything else you'd like to tell me? After all, you really put a twist in our plans here" Ink looked annoyed, totally different than his usual aura. Blue looked as uncomfortable as Color.

"Not really. Is my presence still needed here?" Color asked, already knowing the answer.

"Before you leave, I want you to remember you're just a pawn to us" Ink waved his hand and the other disappeared. Cross raised an eyebrow.

Dream teleported back into the room and took his seat. He shot Ink a look and Ink smiled.

"Enough of this serious stuff. Let's go introduce ourselves to our new guest!".

a/n; since school is starting soon so i have some prewritten chapters. would you all prefer if i posted one chapter every week and a half or if i posted them all at once? let me know, the choice is yours.
i hope everyone's having a good day / night <3

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