eighteen; here,

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"Oh my god, if anyone hurts Mocha, I'll kill everyone and then myself" Horror mumbled as Mocha sat in his lap. The little fluff ball was enjoying the attention he was receiving from the group

"I know right!" Cross giggled, "What a cutie". Cross had healed rapidly, his determination to stay alive and healthy (ish, mind you), made the healing process that much easier. The stitches had to stay in a while longer, so he wasn't allowed to train.

For context, it as 4pm, and the group had met up in the living area after Killer dragged them all downstairs (minus Outer, he had locked himself in his room and refused profusely).

"Wait, Horror, don't you already do that?" Killer had a confused look on his face.

"What? Of course I do, but not a way that I love an animal" Horror huffed as Mocha left his lap, glancing up at each of the members.

"Mocha seems to like you" Killer smiled as said bunny carefully approached Dust.

Dust gave the bunny a small smile. Immediately, the animal jumped onto Dusts lap, making a repetitive clunking sound. Dust pet his head, and Mocha started dozing off peacefully.

The Evil Sanses were sat on the floor, cushions under them. The curtains were drawn and it was a beautiful day outside. The flowers were blooming and the birds were singing. It really was the ideal day.

Too bad half the group had hay fever. Killer, Dust, and Cross has to take medication every day since Spring went into full bloom to avoid looking like the living dead around the mansion.
Horror often joked about it, and every single time he received a punch on the arm from Killer and Dust.

"I want to go outside and play in the water" Cross said, gazing outside the window at the pool.

"That would be rather nice" Error nodded approvingly, "What do you think, Boss?".

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Everyone get ready to go outside. Killer, don't forget to fetch Mochas crate, we can't have him running away".

"Alright, Night!" Killer leaped up from his seat, scooped Mocha the bunny into his arms, and ran off.

The rest of the group dispersed, going to get changed (or not, as Dust and Error didn't want to change into trunks). After five minutes, Horror arrived downstairs.
He had on a simple white shirt and blood red shorts.

He sat semi-patiently on the floor, fingertips hovering above the hilt of his axe. He was contemplating wether or not he should bring it outside. He might be able to make a head-dog out of a squirrel or something?

Dust and Error arrived. All they did was remove their jackets and changed into simple solid colored t-shirts.

"You're not going to swim?" Horror asked the two.

"Never learned, not really interested" Dust shrugged.

"It's more fun than it looks, doofus" Horror retorted.

"You're the doofus" Dust shot back.

"I guess I am, but in that case you're a dumbass".




"Gladly" Horror smirked.

"You'd chop her into bits and eat her; not fuck her" Error rolled his eyes. These idiots.

"Shut up" Nightmare groaned. The constant bickering of those two really tired him out. He could only imagine what they felt.

"Boo!" Cross yelled into Horror's ear.

"You expected a reaction?" Horror chuckled.

"Technically, I got one" Cross smirked.
Cross was wearing a simple monochromatic swimsuit trunk, which contrasted greatly with his extremely pale figure and his snowy white hair.

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