twenty; homey.

995 57 83

"It's not like there was much to pack anyway" Killer huffed.

The Evil Sanses had not found another mansion, so they stayed with Sci for several months. During that time frame, along with the help of his weird scientific inventions; they had a new mansion built for them.
Whilst the mansion was being built, they carried out more jobs than ever, mostly to distract themselves from feeling homesick.

It wasn't perfect, but it was home. And home is what Killer needed (Nightmare and the presence of his closest friends as well, but you get the gist of it).

"Nighty! Help me with this box!" Killer whined as a particularly heavy box sat in Killer's arms.

"Oh? I thought you could handle it yourself, sorry" Nightmare smiled and took the box, finding it was lighter than originally suspected.

"Thanks!" Killer smiled, and ran off to get another box.

There were only several, but they wanted to be careful with the little personal belongings they had left. Killer and Dust took the biggest hit, as their timelines were empty and no one could give them anything to replace what they had lost.

"Damn" Dust hummed as he entered the mansion. It had a slightly eerie vibe to it, but Dust was digging it.

"Nice vibes, nice vibes" Horror said in approval. He also seemed to pick up on the aura and slight eeriness the newly built mansion gave off.

"Set your box down over there" Error teleported begins the two, startling them.

"Alright" the two synchronized as they set their boxes at the foot of the stairs.

"I could get used to this" Outer said, strolling into the new mansion with a small wooden crate. Those were his belongings he had managed to sneak back from his timeline.

"Didn't know you had a flare for the slightly offsetting" Horror smirked.

"I don't, but you learn to adapt" Outer shrugged, placing his crate near the two boxes near the stairs.

"Hey!" Killer exclaimed, grasping onto the handle of Mocha's crate, "You're back already?".

"Yup, and I'll be staying for a little while longer than expected" Outer sighed.

"Aw, at least you get to stay with us!" Killer smiled, opening Mocha's crate and handing the fluffy animal to Outer.

"I never really got to bond with Mocha" Outer whispered as he gently massaged Mocha's head, who made a weird purr sound.

"Well now's you're chance! Nighty and I are going to get the last few boxes, you guys can start unpacking!" Killer said as he left.

"Killer, I think you can manage this one" Nightmare smirked as he handed Killer a light cardboard box.

"Is there even anything inside here?" Killer frowned, lightly shaking the box.

"There is, it's a bunch of spare blankets" Nightmare explained.

"Oh, that makes sense. Are there anymore boxes I should get?" Killer asked, adjusting the box he was holding.

"No, I'll get the last of it. Start unpacking when you get back" Nightmare said as he placed a kiss on Killer's forehead.
The smaller blushed a raspberry color and shook his head so his hair covered his face.

"Cute" Was all Nightmare said as he grabbed the last box. The two walked back to their new mansion, talking all the way.

"Hey! You got the blankets?" Horror asked loudly, waving at the two.

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