𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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Kakyoin Noriaki's Point Of View

"Bye bye!" We waved to the three men before splitting our ways, Jotaro and I walking back to our house. We walked them to their car and helped them load up the car. It was fun.

"Ah, I'm so tired." I smile before hearing a phone ring. I look at Jotaro.

"It's Rin" I answer my phone and see her in her room. (It was a FaceTime call) I pace around as we talked. It was generally hard to keep me to sit still.

"Our mailman came today and dropped off a pink envelope. It's UC! (I don't know University for Creators)" That's the college I applied to!
"Haha, hey Jotaro!" She said and I looked at my camera to see Jotaro eating an apple. He waved and I looked back at her.

"Well! Read it! Out loud!" I smile and sit down on the couch and propped my phone up so I can see her properly. I see her open the letter and I began to anticipate what it was going to say.

"Dear Mr Noriaki.." she paused before looking at home.
"Are you ready?" She asked and I nodded quickly, fiddling with my thumbs as he cleared her throat.

"We are.." her smile slowly dropped.
"Sorry to inform you that you didn't make it into University for Creators. The amount of applicants was overwhelming and we could not accept everyone. We do have an online course that you've been enrolled in. It will not be in the building.
We apologize for your reject.
Best regards, the staff of UC.." she stared at the letter and I look down at my lap.
"The rest has the basics and stuff.. Kakyoin don't cry! It's okay!" I hear footsteps from behind me. It was Jotaro.

"What happened?" He sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"He uh, wasn't accepted into UC.. Ah, here's my letter.." I wipe my tears as I heard a rip.

"Wh-Why'd you rip your letter? You could have been accepted!" I look at her and she smiled.

"Because we're a team. If you were rejected, than I'll reject myself. College matters to an extent. We're in this together. Besides, I didn't wanna go anyways. My parents applied me. Ah, I'm running out of juice. I'll talk to you tomorrow cherry boy, and relax. Don't stress it. You're on vacation! You can stress when you get back." I smile and hang up, staring at my phone. I feel Jotaro rub my back.

"I'm sorry Kakyoin." He kissed my cheek and I began to cry again. I just couldn't hold it in anymore.
"It was a pretty stupid thing she did, but I thank her for it." I look up at him and held his arm, just looking at the floor. He sighed and pulled me onto him, gently playing with my hair. It was really soothing.
Before I knew it, I was already asleep. I woke up a few hours later to feel cold air hit my body.

Jotaro sighed and handed me a cigarette. I smile and lit it before placing it against my lips.

"You were asleep for a while. Four hours." He looked at his watch and then at the beach, seeing people starting to empty out since it was getting late.
"So, I ordered a pizza. I don't eat it, but I didn't know what else to do so o guess I will." He said in a deep voice. I got up and hopped over the rail, sitting down on it next to Jotaro. I held his left hand with my right, blowing smoke from my mouth. I lean my head against his arm and after a few seconds, he rested his chin on top of my head. I put out my cigarette and cuddle into the blanket I brought.

"That must be the pizza. Go inside; it's getting cold." We both walked into the house and Jotaro answered the door, grabbing the two boxes of pizza and laid, closing the door behind him. I smile and I grabbed two plates, placing them on the counter.

"I bought one plain cheese and one with pepperoni on it." He sat down next to me and bit into the pizza, looking at the clock.

"Are you okay Jotaro?" I ask and look over at him with a curious expression.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just thinking." He finished a slice before grabbing another.

We ended up talking and laughing together, finishing both boxes of pizza. It's always nice to hear Jotaro's laugh; even knowing that he doesn't laugh often.

"I enjoyed the pizza. Wow, it's already midnight." I smile and look at Jotaro's watch.

"Well, I'm not tired. I'll just go upstairs and read. Goodnight." He threw the boxes away before making his way upstairs, leaving his phone on the counter. I look at it and clicked his home screen, curious to see what it was. It was a picture of us when we went to Egypt! It's a really nice picture.
I grab his phone and walked upstairs, walking to his bedroom.

"Hey Jojo, you forgot your ph- Sorry! I'm sorry I should have knocked!" I quickly close the door wide-eyes. I just saw Jotaro. Naked. In his room. About to change. Wearing nothing but a necklace and his hat. 'Jjdhehefhjfidjsbbs I should have knocked!'
I turn towards the door and decided to knock this time, seeing Jotaro with close on when he opened the door.

"Are you embarrassed? You shouldn't be. It's okay; I'm not mad." He chuckled and grabbed his phone from my hand. I clear my throat and rush over to my room, closing the door behind me. Though, I'd rather sleep with Jojo-
I dry my hair after my shower and cut my nails before burying myself in my bed covers. I sigh a relaxation sigh and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

———— ————

"Come on Jojo. Please. Pleeeeease~!" I look at Jotaro. We had decided to go to a pet store to cheer me up from last night. I saw this cute Australian Silky Terrier and we were immediately
Locked together.

"Alright, alright. You convinced me." I smile brightly and picked her up, hugging her tightly. Jotaro talked to the cashier and we paid, leaving the pet store.
"She's a cutie." He said and gently scratched her head, me kissing her cheek.

"Ah, lets give her a bath when he get back home. She looks like a water dog." I smile and we walk inside our house, walking to the bathroom.

"Alright. Is human shampoo safe for dogs?" He asked Siri on his phone and nodded.
"We should get dog shampoo soon. But, human shampoo is fine." He ran the water but only around 1/4 of the way. She was a small dog.

I put her in and she began to jump around. I smile and grab a bucket, gently washing her while Jotaro sat next to me, gently putting shampoo on her.

Athazagoraphobia (JotaKak) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now