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Finally, the day had ended and so did my shift.

To say seeing the glorious time of 8 pm on the Diner clock finally strike felt like heaven was a complete understatement.

As most people would be enjoying their summer vacation in the sunshine and with their friends, I stood in our diner listening to small, bratty children complain.

"I didn't want this coloured cupcake!"

"Wow, you look sweaty."

"This is not a chocolate milkshake, lady!"

I truly am completely, over today.

"I'm going to a party tonight! You should totally come!"

Violet's excited voice breaks my train of thought, I scoff as I continue to clean the tables once more.

Violet notices my discomfort and rolls her eyes.

Let's just say I wouldn't want to go to a party, intentionally.

"I'm sorry, I already have plans!"

My tone of voice with nothing but fake sincerity, which Violet had picked up almost immediately, scoffing as she walks towards me.

"April, hiding in your bedroom eating potato chips and watching old re-runs of 'That's so Raven' with your little sister does not count as "Friday night plans".

She looks at me smugly as if she was reading my mind at my already planned night ahead, and now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Vi, you know I hate parties. The whole scene just heightens my social anxiety. My weekends are just as entertaining if I were to be  going partying  every weekend—"

I look away as I lower my voice.

"—just without leaving my house part."

She gives me a pointed look.

To be fair, my reasoning is logical.

Dancing in a hot and sweaty crowd, full of drunk and most probably high teenagers, grinding on you as they continue to pour immense amounts of alcohol down their throats.


Watching old Disney re-runs of your once favourite shows with your little sister whilst eating immense amounts of snacks whilst in the comfort of your own home?

Between the two, I know my favourite.

"Besides! Who will pick you up at 4 am when you're struggling to walk to a cab station?"
I say with a sly smile and she groans and walks to the front of the Diner and begins to talk as she grabs her coat.

"Have it your way AJ. But, I demand an urgent sleepover, pronto."
I mock a salute and she rolls her eyes playfully, reaching for the door.

"You deserve some fun April, Don't forget that."

I look into her green eyes, her face was stern and I knew she meant business, as no usual undertone of humour was detected.

She blows me a kiss as she makes her way out of the diner and onto the streets of Roseville and on her way home.

That was one of my favourite things about Violet, she always has my best interest at heart.

Her confident demeanour didn't distract her giant heart and will to help her best friend or anyone.

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