chapter 6

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     The tournament turned out to be a huge affair. It was a contest every man went through before he got married to prove to his bride how strong and mighty he was. But because of the circumstances surrounding their marriage, Ian's contest was after his marriage. If he won, he would be praised and of course, the bride will be very proud. But if he lost, well, safe to say that the bride will be free to break off the engagement and take another husband of her choosing, and the man will be scorned and shamed.

And if he was a warrior, he will be dismissed, for they did not need weak men in the army. And after the tournament, there will be a ceremony to celebrate the victory of the groom. April listened as Karen explained all these to her.

"But isn't that barbaric," she asked as Karen weaved and pinned up her hair. "I mean, it is not his fault he lost right?"

Karen only smiled, "well, I have never seen any fighter lose before, cause all the men are fierce and very strong. Most of the battles end in a draw, very few win."

April tensed at that and Karen noticed. "Oh do not worry mi'lady, I have seen your husband in combat before, and no one has ever defeated him before. You have no cause for worry."

Okay, that gave her hope and calmed her nerves. All through the way to the arena, which was at the center of the town, April kept chanting to herself that he was going to be alright, he was a warrior.

"We are here."

Karen's voice cut through her thoughts. Looking round, she saw that it was smaller than the one they had back in Mercia, but still grand like every other thing she had seen so far. The walls were high and made of sand bricks instead of stone. The arena was filled to capacity and more people were standing.

She was accompanied to the royal box where she met the King already seated, she curtseyed before him, "my King."

He hugged her, "come sit," he led her to a smaller chair beside him. There were two doors on opposite ends of the arena, they burst open and Ian rode out on a black stallion. The crowd cheered wildly for him. He rode around before he came to a stop in front of the royal box.

The King got up and raised his hands, the crowd fell silent.
"Fellow Albans, we all know why we are here today, for my son to prove his worth to his beautiful new wife. You know the rules, and no leniency will be granted because you are prince. Let the games begin!"

      The crowd cheered and clapped their hands excitedly, and Ian advanced towards the box.

"What's he coming here to do," asked April.

"He needs a token of love from his lady òl love. You should go and meet him," Karen said and smiled at her. So she got up and went to meet him.

"Hello wife."

She bowed her head to him,"my Lord."

He lifted her face to meet his, "I need a bit of luck from you.... maybe a kiss."

Her eyes widened in alarm and he chuckled, he leaned closer and whispered so only she could hear, "no need to look so alarmed my dear, I will not embarrass you further, I'll rather have our first kiss in secret, away from so many prying eyes," he kissed her cheeks and took the mantle she held and made her tie it around his wrist. "Wish me luck," he winked and rode off.

April walked back dazed to her seat, her fingers where Ian's lips had been moments before. She felt warm and fuzzy inside.

Ian's opponent, a huge black man who looked more like a grizzly bear than a man rode out.

"Tomag! Tomag! Tomag!" the people chanted his name. He turned to face the crowd and beat his chest thrice.

"Who is that," April asked.

"That is Tomag, our greatest champion. Our most formidable warrior," Karen said with pride in her voice. They were both handed sharp looking lances. The task was to knock the other off his horse with it. At the sound of the horn, they both advanced towards each other, the horses running at full speed. Tomag swung but Ian ducked.

April's hands were clasped tightly in her lap, she was tensed.

"He is going to be alright, isn't he?" she asked Karen who was sitting behind her watching the game intently.

"Of course he is, be rest assured he won't die."

Then she added as an afterthought, "but someone has to die, people die here all the time."



              Ian won the first round. After that, they engaged in combat. They were asked to choose their weapons. Ian chose a sword and shield, and tucked a dagger into it's sheath. Tomag chose twin swords. They circled each other, no one wanted to make the first move. Ian watched him like a hawk and waited for him to move.

Suddenly the man swung and Ian stepped back, and they continued to circle each other, he lunged again, but Ian side stepped and pushed him away. The crowd was silent as they watched, the only sounds the clanging of the swords as they hit each other. The man attacked and Ian blocked.

They were beginning to waste time, and he knew the crowd was getting antsy for some action, they wanted to see blood.
Oh well, let's get this over with.

And he attacked. They rained blows, and Ian's shield broke, Tomag still had one sword. Ian threw his sword away, and the man followed suit.
That was a mistake, Ian thought. The man did not know he had a dagger with him, but the people knew. Tomag lunged forward and they fell. They struggled and grappled, tussled and wrestled. Tomag had Ian beneath him and he punched. Suddenly they both stopped moving.

             April's hands were clasped nervously together. She was sitting at the edge of her chair. Why weren't they moving? Were they both dead? She glanced at the King and saw he was smiling. Why wasn't he concerned? She tapped her foot nervously and held her rosary. There was movement, and everyone craned their neck forward to see.

Suddenly, Tomag was pushed off, and Ian rose wearily to his feet, breathing heavily and drenched in blood, his right hand lifted. The crowd went agog with joy and April cried tears of relief. Of course she would never let him know she had cried for him. She hurriedly wiped her face clean before anyone could see and let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

Tomag is actually a Gaelic name. Gaelic was spoken in Scotland( Alba) way back...

So, the fight scene sucked, I know, sorry... forgive

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