chapter 18

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        The guests began arriving during the week, and April was there to welcome them with Owen. It seemed majority of them decided to arrive at the last minute. They had been standing for quite sometime now, and her feet was beginning to hurt. As much as she wanted to go up to her room and put up her feet, she couldn't. Some guests would take it as an insult and feel insulted if she wasn't there to welcome them, as lady of the house, it was her duty. There were so many Lairds, Lords and Ladies, even a king from a kingdom she couldn't remember the name of. But the man she wanted to see had not arrived, McClain.

"Wait, there is one more," Owen said as she was about to go in. She came back and stood beside him, watching as the coach came in. She stared at the familiar banner and realised who it was. Judith!. She ran and opened the door before the coach had a chance to stop. Judith came down and April launched herself into her arms, she was overjoyed to see her.

"You can let go of me now. I can't breathe," Judith gasped out.

"Oh, sorry," April said still smiling, "I'm just so happy to see you...Where is father? We sent him an invitation, didn't he get it?" April asked noticing he was not among the party that just arrived.

"Father sends his sincere apologies. He could not make it. Some important issue came up at the last minute," Judith said and April scoffed.

"Why am I not surprised. He never made time for me anyway."

"Don't say that! Father loves us in his own way," Judith said.

"Does he now... Well the least he could do is show it. At least I know he loves Noelle," April said. Noelle was their sister and the apple of their father's eye. He loved her very much, they all did. She was such a little sweetheart.

"Hello Andrew," she said and hugged him.

"Hello to you too April. You get even more beautiful each time I see you," he said smiling down at her. Andrew was Judith's husband.

"Thank you Andrew," April said blushing.

"Hey, when was the last time you called me beautiful?" Judith asked in a teasing tone.

"Right now, my beautiful queen," Andrew said kissing Judith's cheek, and she giggled. April watched them with a small smile. She had never seen her sister look so happy. They were good for each other. She loved the way they looked at each other, like they were the only thing that mattered. She hoped to have such a relationship with Ian in the future. But at the rate in which they were going, they might never have the chance.

"Oh, where are my manners, come, there is someone I want you to meet," she said taking Judith's arm and pulling her towards Owen.

"Meet Owen, my father. Father, this is Judith, my sister, and her husband, Andrew, king of Wessex."

"Your majesty, it's an honor to finally meet you," Judith said bowing.

"I can say the same. April never stops talking about you," he said, a kind smile on his face. "Come on, let's go inside, it's freezing out here, and it's not even snowing yet."

      April took them to their room. "Where is that your hunky husband? I haven't seen him since I got here," Judith commented sitting on the bed.

"He..uh..yeah he had some things to take care of. He's not around at the moment," April said bitterly remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"You do know that tomorrow is the coronation, right?"

"Yes, I know, he'll be back. He wouldn't want to miss his own coronation now, would he?"

"It's not just his coronation, it's yours also." April hadn't thought about it like that.

"You don't look so happy. What's wrong?" Judith asked concerned.

       It would be unfair to just load all her marital problems on Judith when she was just arriving. "We'll talk later, you are just arriving, and I don't want to bother you with my problems."

"You can never be a bother to me April. You can talk to me. I'm always here for you."

"I know," she squeezed Judith's hands and got to her feet, "we'll talk later. I promise. Get some rest," she whispered and left the room.

    In the kitchen, she instructed some maids to take food and water up to Judith's room. As she was leaving, she caught sight of Freyr sending her one of those condescending smiles that made her want to forget her royal training and punch her in the face repeatedly. But Freyr kept her distance, and April kept hers. As much as she wanted to confront her, she wouldn't.

      Ignoring her, she went to her room. Marge and Arla were waiting for her.

"Ugh. What do you want? I'm tired, leave me alone," she said falling face first on the bed.

"We came to see how you were doing. The last couple of days have been really stressful, especially for you," Arla said.

"Hmm, thank you. I'm fine, as you can see. Now leave me in peace," she said, her face pressed into a pillow and her voice sounding muffled.

"And also," Arla continued and April groaned. She couldn't even be alone for at least five minutes. "You need to come down for dinner. When was the last time you joined us in the hall, when was the last time you ate something?" Arla asked hands on her hips.

     April groaned again, she seemed to be doing that a lot.
"Uh, this morning, remember? You both nearly stuffed me up with food!" she said dryly. Food that she later vomited. It wasn't her fault that she had been feeling that way, but she could hardly keep a meal in her stomach. Her body seemed to be rejecting all kinds of foods.

Except bananas.

     She had been craving it. Strangely, she couldn't stand the fruit before, but now, it was all she wanted.

"Well that was this morning. You have to eat in the evening too. Normal people eat thrice a day. But you seem to eat when you remember, and you remember NEVER!" Marge said as she dumped a tray next to April.

      April caught a whiff of the spiced fish and darted to the bathhouse, emptying her already empty stomach into the chamber pot. Marge glanced at Arla wide eyes. They both turned to see her come out wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, a light sheen of sweat on her face. She looked pale.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm coming down with something. What with all the stress we've all been put through."

"Yeah, we've all been stressed out," Arla said quietly.

"I think I'll just lie down for a minute. I'll join you soon," she said laying and closing her eyes. Marge said nothing as she pulled the covers over April who was already asleep. She picked the tray and went out.

"Do you think she knows?"

"No. But we could be wrong. Maybe she's just sick," Marge said, but she seriously doubted it.

Yay, Judith is back..

In truth, I don't really like bananas. I don't know why.

Do you think April should confront Freyr? Fight for her marriage?
Lemme know what you think..


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