chapter 26

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  Ian stomped his feet and dusted off the snow from his clothes and hair as he went to take his seat at the head of the long table. The chair beside him empty, as it had been for the past three days. This night might be no exception. He sighed softly and leaned back in his seat, being content to watch everything going on around him.

His warriors filled three long tables, his being in the middle and slightly elevated. He took his cup of wine and drained it before filling it again and draining that also. It was quite warm in the hall.

"You sure you want to get drunk before dinner?" Ryan asked nursing his cup of ale.

"Of course not. I am not like you," Ian said and Ryan bristled.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. You tell me," Ian said, a satisfied smile on his face. Ryan glared and kicked him beneath the table, Ian glared back. He was about retaliating when a hush fell over the crowd. Even stupid Ryan was quiet.

He wondered what had happened to make his soldiers quiet, because they were never quiet. They were usually loud and obnoxious. The only time they managed to be a little bit quieter was either when their mouths were stuffed up with food, or they were training. Even then, they managed to make some noise.

But they were doing neither, so what could be the prob... His mouth dropped open as a vision of loveliness came towards him. She wore a white long sleeved gown with a very daring neckline, and her long hair was left to flow down her back. He glared at the cloth, annoyed that almost every man was looking at her. He wanted to grip the cloth and pull it up to her chin. She sat beside him and smiled shyly at Ryan who was still staring in appreciation.

Ian glared and kicked his shin under the table.

"Ow," he winced and shifted his chair away from Ian.
"Might I say, you look quite lovely this evening, your highness."

April blushed and smiled at Ryan, "thank you Ryan."

Ian glared, furious that her smile was directed at Ryan, and not him. He reached out his leg to kick him again, but Ryan had already shifted away. The fool had the guts to smile  when he realized what Ian was trying to do. He awkwardly cleared his throat and said to her, "you look..nice."

"Hmm, thank you." Her reply was curt. She didn't even look at him or smile like she did with Ryan.

He huffed and tapped his foot annoyed. The doors opened and maids came in carrying platters of food, placing them on the tables. A platter of roasted pork was placed in front of her, and April sucked in a breath. The smell made her want to throw up. She closed her eyes and took deep steadying breaths.

"Are you alright?" Ryan asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just feeling a little light headed, that's all."

He nodded and continued with his food. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Ian look at her concerned. What did he have to be concerned about? She thought angrily as she reached for some boiled potatoes, avoiding the pork. Though she had to admit, his reaction when she came in was priceless.

Ian sat angrily chewing the chicken as he stared at his beautiful but annoying wife. She sat back straight as she slowly ate her meal. She didn't eat much, he noticed, and her smile was forced. She was deliberately avoiding his gaze. She was ignoring him, and he hated being ignored.

"Whoa, what did that bone ever do to you?" an amused Ryan asked. He looked down at his hand and saw that he had eaten the flesh and was now furiously chewing the bone. He sighed and threw it on his empty plate. He picked the jug and filled his cup with with wind and filled hers also. But she pushed it away and took a new cup filling it with water.

He slammed his cup down hard on the table, not hard enough to draw attention, but hard enough to make her jump in her seat.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked angrily and she flinched but didn't respond. She didn't even glance his way and it vexed him greatly.

He didn't know what he had done again. Every other day she seemed to be holding a grudge against him. He was beginning to get tired of her hot and cold attitude. They needed to have a serious talk about that.

He fixed her with his hardest glare, but she paid him no attention. She left the moment she was done eating. And that girl, Arla followed her up.

"What did you do to her again?" Ryan asked with raised brows, and Ian scowled. "Whatever it is," Ryan continued, "you better go fix it."

"Fuck off Ryan," Ian barked as he pushed his chair back and got up. As she walked away, kicked Ryan's chair and slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! What the hell man!" Ryan groaned as he glared at Ian's retreating form.


She was fast asleep when he got to the room, her back facing the door. He sighed softly as he discarded his clothes and went to  lie next to her, pulling her warm body against his and burying his face in her hair as he slipped an arm around her waist. He inhaled deeply, she always smelled like roses. Roses and woman. A heady combination enough to drive a man crazy.

He could feel himself getting aroused, but this was not the time. They had a lot to talk about, but he wasn't going to wake her up just to talk. So he closed his eyes and waited for sleep to take over.

April lay still till his breathing became deep and even and she was sure he was asleep. She carefully removed his hand wrapped around her and placed it on his side as she turned on her side to face him. She lifted her hand and gently pushed his hair back from his face. She touched his face, his stubble, his soft pink lips. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. There was no frown or scowl on his perfect face.

She leaned forward and lightly kissed him on his lips, then she turned away and shifted to the edge of the bed. She didn't want to wake up in his arms, she would break. And she couldn't allow that. She knew avoiding him was childish, but she didn't know what to do. As she closed her eyes, she decided to talk to him, just hash all the problems.

Maybe he had a reason for his unspeakable actions. It would do no one good to keep on ignoring him.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated

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