chapter 16

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            She silently worked, occasionally glaring at the sly smiles Marge and Karen were giving her. And when she couldn't take it anymore, she turned to face them, "pray tell what's so funny?" she asked hands on her hips. They had kept quiet the moment she entered the room, and after the usual greetings, they giggled like little girls behind her back and pretended to be busy when she looked at them.

     They looked at each other, as if wondering if they should tell her. But Karen finally spoke up, "we were wondering about something and hoping you would clear it up for us....have you seen Ian lately?"

 "No, why?"

 "So you haven't seen he's sporting a new haircut?"

      April's lips formed an 'o' as she stared at them, furiously blushing. Marge started laughing as Karen skipped over to her, "well princess, you want to tell us how it happened?"

"Shut up Karen," April said as she turned back to her work ignoring them.

"Oh come on, we want to hear it all," Karen said tugging on April's smock like a little child.

"Yes please, tell us."

"Now now girls, don't tease her as such," Brienne said and they snickered.

  April groaned, "please can we get back to work? We don't have all day and there is still plenty to be done."


"One more word and you are sweeping the yard".

That instantly shut them up. Sweeping the yard to them was an embarrassing and tedious task which they hated. April sighed, it was a good thing winter wasn't here yet. It would have made things even harder. She didn't know why they couldn't just postpone the coronation till after winter. All through yesterday, she had cleaned, washed, swept and yet there was still more to be done. But despite all these tasks at hand, her mind couldn't help but wander back to yester-morning. Her face heated up again as she recalled everything that happened. Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she turned to see Arla standing there, "you said to tell you when they returned Mi'lady."

       April nodded and wiped her hands on her smock. Sometimes Ian and the warriors returned after the dinner hour, and she made it a compulsory duty to serve her husband his food whenever that happened. She gave out orders before filling a tray with food. She happened to glance back to see Marge and Karen giving her suggestive looks, and she scowled at them. Those two really needed extra duties to keep their minds off everything she did. She slowly climbed the stairs, and balancing the tray on one hand, she opened the door.

       Ian was seated near the fireplace. He turned when the door opened and watched as she came in. She silently dropped the tray on the table and poured the wine in a cup.

"You look stressed," she said. He only shrugged as he took the wine, drinking it in one gulp. She filled the cup again before going to stand behind him as she gently massaged his tense shoulders. She hadn't seen him since yesterday. But she never complained. She knew that as prince, soon to be king, he had a lot of duties to attend to, and she tried not to be demanding.

"You can talk to me," she said quietly.

     There was silence for a moment before he spoke up, "McClain."

"Who is McClain?"

"He is a Laird, and he's been causing some.... ruckus. He's been invited for the coronation. And though I know that he won't try anything while here, I can't help but feel bothered," April placed her chin on his head, still massaging.

"Nothing will happen, I promise."

     Ian chuckled at her fervent promise and pulled her into his lap, "it's not like you can do anything wife," he said wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her neck.

"If something should happen, my father would help."

    He grunted at that, "I do not need help from anyone."

She giggled at that. Her husband was such a proud man. She knew that now. And she had hurt his pride when she mentioned seeking help from her father. He kissed his way up her neck and she shivered in delight, her fingers running through his too short hair. But when his fingers began loosening the strings at the front of her dress, she stopped him. He looked up wondering what he had done wrong but she shook her head.

"What's wrong?" he asked baffled.

"You hurt me," she blurted out.

     His brows furrowed in confusion, "when?"

"Yesterday morning."

   He sighed, "yes, I know and I'm sorry."

"You don't understand. It was on the sheets, and I think something might have happened, and I felt terribly sore when I got up, and I don't think I want to do it again," she finished in a small voice.

  If it wasn't for the serious expression on her face, he would have laughed. So instead, while rubbing circles on her back, he explained in details a woman's body and how the blood on the sheets was natural. He couldn't blame her for getting scared, she had no mother to explain all these to her. She had visibly relaxed after his explanation, and this time when he kissed her and reached for her dress, she didn't stop him.

Someone get me holy water! April needs to be sprinkled with the blood of Christ 😂...

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