chapter 10

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       Ryan looked up from sharpening his sword and saw Ian coming towards him covered in flour. He was about to laugh, but when he saw the deathly expression on Ian's face, he wisely held it back.

"Well, you look good. Did Brienne catch you trying to pilfer some of her delicious bread?" No answer. "Accident in the kitchen?" Ryan asked with a straight face when he was actually rolling with laughter inside. Ian didn't answer, he just splashed water on his face and arms.

Honestly, he didn't know why he had reacted like that. But Freyr had been trying to seduce him and when he had resisted her, she said some really nasty words about April, and he had shoved her out of the way. Then he saw those portraits of her on the walls, and he had lost it.

He stormed angrily to the kitchen where he heard laughter coming from and became even angrier that he had never made her laugh like that. And he had taken out his anger and sexual frustration on her. And then when he had seen the tears in her eyes, he had hated himself even more and had wanted to pull her close and comfort her and tell her he was sorry, but instead, he had lashed out and turned his back on her.

"You look like you are in pain," Ryan commented dryly, and when Ian shot him a glare, he held his hands up in surrender. Ian sighed and sat down leaning his elbows on his thighs. He ran his hands through his hair and bowed his head before explaining to Ryan all that had happened.

"You fucked up," Ryan said at the end with a slightly angry expression. "She left everything she ever knew and loved behind to come be with you, not by her choice but her father's. She doesn't deserve that. She has been very accommodating, and what have you given her in return apart from your dark brooding ugly ass face."

Ian's head whipped up and he glared at Ryan. "Don't look at me like that, you are at fault! You should find a way of apologising to her...and get rid of that Freyr before she ruins your marriage."

"I don't need you reminding me of my shortcomings," Ian said looking pissed.

"I'm just saying, you need to put things in order and get rid of..."

"I heard you the first time Ryan."

Ryan wisely did not mention the portraits. They held a bad memory for them all, especially Ian.


      April had succeeded in avoiding Ian. Whenever she saw him approaching, she turned in the other direction and fled. And when she saw him in a room, she waited till he had left before going in. April knew her behavior was childish, but she didn't know who to talk to about it, Judith wasn't here, and she couldn't talk to Brienne, Marge and Karen about her marital problems, they would not understand. She was on her own.

       April sighed and wiped the sweat from her brows and picked up the freshly dyed wool and took it out to spread. She had just stepped out of the wash house with her load and had rounded a corner when she saw Ian marching towards her with a determined expression. She looked around in panic for where to hide, and when she couldn't find a place, she stepped back and her body hit something.

It was Ryan.

    "Hey, careful.... Where are you going?" he asked as he held her shoulders, she said nothing. He looked up and saw Ian coming towards them. "Are you running from him?" She bit her lips and nodded. "Too late, here he comes," he said, and Ian was in front of her.

Ian glared at Ryan who smirked and shuffled off. April looked everywhere but his face. She bowed her head and he sighed.

"Look at me, I do not wish to talk to the top of your head."

She raised her head but didn't look at him. "Are you avoiding me, wife?" Her eyes snapped up to meet his. Had he known that that was her plan all along?

"N-no, of course not. Why will I be avoiding you?" He stared at her intently and she averted her eyes. She felt uncomfortable whenever he stared at her like that.

       He knew she was lying, it was obvious. She had looked scared when she saw him coming towards her, like she wished the ground would open up and swallow her instead of talking to him. And he couldn't blame her for reacting like that after what he did. He sighed and rubbed his face. He wanted to apologise, but he couldn't find the right words. It shouldn't be this hard. Then he noticed the wool in her hands.

"Why are you holding that?"

"I dyed them, I was just about spreading them before you came along."

"Why didn't you ask the other girls to do it?"

"They are busy, and I didn't want to overburden them. Besides I wasn't doing anything," she said as she shifted from foot to foot.

Ian was surprised, he had thought she would be like his Myrcella who sat down and just gave orders to the servants. The memory still brought back memories.

  Why was he still here, did he want something? She decided to ask, "did you want something?" the wool was becoming heavy and her arms were beginning to ache.

    Just apologize already!

   "No," he said as he became cold once again. The thought of Myrcella had ruined his mood. He turned and left.

  April stared at his retreating figure. What just happened?. She thought he was about to apologise for his rude behavior.

I know you guys are wondering about the portrait and who Myrcella is, don't worry my puppets, all would be revealed soon.
Have patience.

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