chapter 21

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Hit that 🌟! Hit that 🌟! Hit it !!

The cold wind blew about, making people shiver. It had begun snowing during the night, and there was a thin layer of snow covering the ground. Many guests had left the day before, and the others were leaving, wanting to get a good start before it began snowing in earnest. April stood beside Ian as she greeted the last of the guests, a Laird and his wife. The woman hugged April.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, your majesty," she said with a smile.

"Same goes for me, mi'lady," April said, and the woman chuckled.

"I like you a lot. You are nicer than the first."

April's brows furrowed, "the first what?" she asked confused.

"Ian's fir.." Ian shook his head and glared at her. "..oh," Constance said, her eyes widening as she realized April knew nothing about her. "It was a mistake. Think nothing of it."

She turned and gestured for her maid who had been standing quietly to come forward, and she took a small box from the girls hand and handed it over to April. "I had this made for you by the best blacksmith in all of Alba. I hope you like it."

April took the hand crafted box and opened it. A silver and sapphire necklace gleamed in it. "It's very pretty. Thank you mi'lady, I will treasure it greatly," April said appreciatively, touched by her kind gesture. "I hope to see you again," she said to the older woman.

"Of course."

"Goodbye then. Have a safe trip."

"Goodbye," Constance said and bowed one last time before leaving.

April handed the box over to Arla who stood behind her. "Please keep this in my room."

Then she hiked up her skirts, annoyed that she had to wear long gowns. She wished she could change into her comfortable smock, but that would be appalling. She was queen now, there were some things she couldn't wear, and some things she couldn't do, like washing fleeced wool. She ignored Ian standing beside her and went up to Judith's chamber. She knocked tentatively, and waited for Judith to answer. The last time she had gone in without knocking, she had seen some things no decent person should see.

"Come in," Judith called out.

She opened the door and walked in. Judith was laying down, but sat up when she saw it was April. "When are you leaving?" she asked taking a seat by the fire to warm her cold hands.

"What! tired of me already?" Judith asked, sounding hurt, a teasing smile on her face. "I didn't know my company was unpleasant."

"It's not! I just wanted to know."

"Alright. Well, Andrew wants to leave tomorrow.." Judith said.

"Tomorrow! But that's too soon! You just got here!" April exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Relax," Judith said with a laugh, "I said Andrew wants to leave, not me. I think I'll stay here for some time," she said and April sighed in relief.

"Do you want to walk with me to the village?" April asked, "I could show you around."

"Sure. Being cooped up in here all day is not good for my sanity," Judith said grabbing her cloak, and went out.

They walked side by side, Arla and Alan walking a few ways behind them. Ever since April had freed the girl, she had stuck to her, following her everywhere like a shadow. She was such a little sweetheart. April looked back to see both of them discussing, Arla blushing like a little girl. The tips of Alan's ears were red, but that could be from the cold. She laughed, it looked like her guard was sweet on her maid.

"What are you laughing at," Judith asked turning to stare too.

"No, don't look. They'll stop if they see we've noticed them," she said, and Judith nodded.

"So, how's married life been for you," Judith asked taking April's hand and tucking it in the crook of her elbow.

"Oh Judith. It hasn't exactly been a bed of roses. It's been full of thorns actually," she said with a little laugh. Thorns in the form of Freyr. She then proceeded to tell her everything, including their conversation two nights ago. "He rejected my love. I don't think he is capable of loving anyone. That's what he implied... I-i don't think I can do this anymore Judith. I'd rather go back to Mercia and live out my life as a scorned princess in a convent. All he causes me is heartache and misery."

"Don't say that. He may think he is not capable, but it is up to you to show him that it is okay to give into his feelings. That it is alright to love and be loved," Judith said, and April scoffed.

"Why is it up to me! Why can't it be up to him to make it work. For Christ's sake, I'm trying, but all he seems to do is push me away and go back to that strumpet called Freyr. God I hate her so much!" April said crying into Judith's shoulder, and they stopped walking.

"Ssshh. It's alright. Let it out," Judith cooed brushing the snow from April's hair. Thank God they hadn't gotten to the village yet, she couldn't bear to let people see her crying.

April sniffed and wiped her red nose, "I can't Judith."

"Yes you can. And do you know why? Because you are strong, the strongest person I know. There is still time for love to grow between you two...." she was cut off by April running to a nearby bush and throwing up the contents of her stomach. Judith held her hair back as April spat.

"Are you alright?" she asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine, I think," April said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Her emotions were all over the place, and she cried at the littlest things.

"How long have you been like this?" Judith asked.

"Uh, some weeks now. But don't worry, I must have eaten something bad. I've been stressed lately, but I'm glad it's all over now."

"I don't think so," Judith said thoughtfully, "when was the last time you bled?"

"I...uh...I can't remember. Two months ago, I think," she said unsurely. She and Ian had been married for over ten months now, and whenever he was around, they made love. But still, was it possible that, it couldn't be. "It can't be," she said.

"Actually, it can. And I think you are," Judith said with a smile.

April only stared at her before placing a hand over her stomach, her eyes blurring with tears. "I am?" she asked again to be sure.

"Yes, you are," Judith said hugging her, and April burst into tears.

"Oh God, this is terrible," April sobbed, and Judith leaned back to look at her.

"What do you mean it's terrible? Do you not want it?" she asked puzzled.

"Of course I want it, but if there's a child, I can't leave," April blurted out.

"Why would you want to leave?"

"He doesn't love me," she deadpanned.

"Oh April. That's not enough reason to leave. Give him some time. Don't make this decision on your own. Talk to him, please," Judith begged hugging her tightly, and April hugged her back.

"Okay, I will," she promised. Then she leaned to look at Judith, "I really am with child," she said smiling through her tears. And Judith nodded, smiling too, her eyes getting filled with tears.

"Oh, I'm so happy."

And she really was. She could only hope that Ian would be happy too. Perhaps the news could even make him love her. They had never discussed having a child, but she prayed that he wanted it too. Whether he wanted it or not, she vowed to love the child with all her heart. She couldn't wait to tell him. Judith was right, there was still time for love to grow between them.


From afar, Arla watched her mistress laughing and crying at the same time with her sister. She was happy that April was happy. She knew of her mistresses troubles with her husband. And she prayed things would get better for them.

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