chapter 31

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It was barely dawn when April woke to the sounds of swords clashing and battle cries. She sat up abruptly and groaned as a sharp pain went through her. She had been feeling the pains ever since the day before, and they were getting worse.

The shouts of men brought her out of her reverie.

Oh God, please let it be Ian.

Her hands were still clasped when she heard light footsteps approaching the cells. The torch had gone out so they were in darkness, but whoever was coming had a torch with them. April was shocked to say the least when Arla came into view.

"Arla!" she cried as she ran to the door, "is this really you? Wait, what are you doing here? You need to leave, I don't want them to find you! Go get Ian!"

"Don't worry mi'lady, I'll get you out," Arla said looking around for the key.

"There! On the wall!"

Arla snatched the keys and unlocked the door. She pulled Arla into a hug the instant she was out. April groaned as Arla squeezed too hard.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. Then she took in April's dishevelled appearance, her cut lips, her dirty face. And she seemed to be hunched, she was holding one side of her stomach. "My queen, what did they do to you?" she asked near tears.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just leave this horrible place." They were leaving when April said, "wait. Myrcella, she is coming with us!" She took the keys and opened Myrcellas door. Arla gasped at the sight of the other woman, and April sighed, "I'll explain later, let's go."

The three of them ran down the halls. The keep was empty. "They are down in the village, so if we can just find some horses and leave before they get here, that will be good," Arla said as she silently opened the door and stepped into the courtyard.

The noise was louder there as the men were fighting just outside the gates. Suddenly the gates opened and warriors rushed in. April relaxed slightly when she saw some familiar faces. Then she saw Ian, and her heart lifted with joy.

He hadn't seen her yet as he was still fighting. He was bloody, a formidable warrior cutting down anything in his path. She took a step forward when she heard, "My lady, watch out!" And then she was pushed to the ground. April groaned as she fell, her hand went to clutch her stomach. Then she looked up and her heart stopped beating because the arrow that was meant for her was plunged into Arla's chest.

She heard heard herself screaming as Arla fell.

Ian's head snapped up as he heard April scream and he froze. But it wasn't April that made him freeze, it was the woman standing behind her.


April crawled over to her and hurriedly ripped a part of her dress and tied it around Arla with shaky fingers. But that was immediately soaked with blood. She held Arla's warm body close to her own, "Stay with me Arla, please stay with me. Everything is going to be alright. I promise, just don't leave me," she cried as she held Arla's limp form in her hands. "Why would you do that?" she asked with tears running down her face.

"I love you," Arla said simply as she gasped.

"And I love you," April said while trying to smile, but she couldn't. She looked at the blood on her hands and she began to shake.

Blood spluttered out of Arla's mouth as she tried to speak, "Don't worry my lady. It honor.. serving you at least." She gasped and coughed up blood.

Her skin was becoming pale and clammy. Tears ran down her face as she held April's hand, "I loved serving you..." she took in a deep breath, it was becoming difficult for her to speak, "There is not a moment I regret..with you. You freed me... And now, I die a free woman," she said, blood trickling down the side of her lips.

"Ssh, don't talk. Please don't say anything," April begged as she tried to control the bleeding.

"I . . .I feel c- cold," she whispered.

"I'll warm you up, you'll be okay" April said as she removed her cloak and wrapped it around Arla.

Arla smiled a little as her eyes closed and her hand became limp in April's, and she stopped breathing.

"No! Arla wake up! Please wake up! Open your eyes. You can't go, not yet," April screamed as she held Arla's lifeless form in her arms, the blood soaking her. "No! No! Please God don't do this to me, don't take her away. No, you can't take her from me" She cried as she rocked Arla back and forth. She buried her face in Arla's neck as she sobbed.

Myrcella stood behind them awkwardly staring. April heard her name being called, and she looked up with tear stricken face. It was Ian, but his gaze was not on her, it was on her.

Just then, someone grabbed her and pulled her away from Arla.

"No! Leave me alone," she cried and struggled, her gaze on Arla the whole time. She just wanted to be left alone so she could hold Arla. She struggled and stomped on the person's foot with her heel. McClain groaned and hit the side of her head with the hilt of his sword, and she fainted.

He held her up with one arm and dragged her backwards.

Ian moved slowly and cautiously as he watched McClain drag April's limp form. He had someone else drag Myrcella too. He tried not to let his rage take over as looked at the knife McClain held to April's neck.

He stepped over Arla's body, and he felt sad that the girl had died protecting April. He looked back up and noticed that McClain was taking them to the edge of the cliff. McClain stopped, and he stopped.

"You should have stayed in your pretty castle, my king. Now I am going to kill her because of you," McClain sneered. "You are here while my men kill every single person in your keep. How do you feel knowing you are the cause of their deaths?"

"My troops and the Mercian army wait for your warriors. They should be meeting their deaths about now," Ian said trying to keep calm.

McClain's eyes widened in anger as he realized his plan had failed and he was outnumbered. He looked at the woman beginning to rouse in his arms, then he glanced at the huge waves crashing into the jagged rocks at the bottom of the cliff. It was a long way down.

He looked at the beautiful woman in his arms. Such a terrible waste, he thought.

Ian followed the eyes of McClain, and when he realized what he was planning to do, he lunged forward. Adam pushed Myrcella forward and Ian paused to catch her.

April looked around groggily trying to remember where she was. Then she saw Ian holding Myrcella.

McClain looked Ian in the eye and he smirked as he pushed April off. April barely had time to register her horror as she was flung over the edge of the cliff.

I am sorry guys, I also felt sad when I wrote this chapter, but it had to be done. I'm sorry for the next chapter too, I hope you guys don't kill me. Next chapter would be updated the day after tomorrow 🖤

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