chapter 15

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          He stared angrily at the door, willing whoever it was to get the fuck away and come back another time. But the person knocked again, and he groaned before slipping from underneath April and stomping angrily to the door. He threw it open, forgetting he was naked and scowled at the cowering maid, "what!"

"G-good morning my Lord. I j-just wanted to c-clean the room," she stuttered and took a step back keeping her eyes on the floor. It was forbidden for slaves to look their masters in the eye.

"Come back later," he barked and closed the door. He was just in the process of climbing the bed when she knocked again. He swore under his breath, surely, if only he could strangle just this one maid that couldn't take a hint, he would be happy. He opened the door again and bit out angrily, "yes?"

"Er, your father waits for you in the study," she said trembling.

Realising he was scaring her, he stopped glaring and somewhat softened his voice, "I am coming."

  She nodded and fled. He really couldn't blame her. He didn't have a lot of contact with the slaves, and they feared him. Not that he had given them reason to, they just did. He trudged towards the bath house annoyed that he couldn't even get to enjoy the morning in with his wife. After washing, he dressed not wasting time cause if there was one flaw Owen had for sure, it was impatience. He was about leaving when he turned and went back to the bed. He kissed her cheeks before leaving.


              Movement in the room woke her up. April yawned, stretching lazily as she sat up in bed rubbing her face as she opened her eyes. She saw a maid staring back at her with wide eyes. Then she remembered she was naked, she snatched up the covers and held it to her chin, "who are you?" she demanded.

     The girl curtseyed, "I am Arla, my lady. My Lord Ian sent me to bring you breakfast."

That was thoughtful of him, April thought as her stomach rumbled. "I am so sorry my lady, I didn't mean to wake you up. Please don't tell my Lord Ian. He specifically told me not to wake you up," Arla begged wringing her hands.

"I won't," April said as she got out of the bed dragging the covers with her and wrapping it around her body, most of it falling on the floor. The girl looked relieved when she said that.

She looked at the sheets and saw blood.

Oh no! Did he tear something in me?

Her face must have shown her confusion because the maid asked, "what's the problem mi'lady, maybe I can be of some assistance?"

        April shook her head, "where is Ian?"she asked as she began to strip the bed of the stained sheet.

"I do not know," Arla said as she rushed forward to collect the sheets from April, "oh mi'lady, please do not bother yourself with such menial tasks, I will do them for you."

She brought a fresh sheet and started laying it, and when April offered to help her, she refused claiming that princesses did not bother with such tasks. To April, her words were mocking, but she shrugged it off and helped her anyway.

"Just because I am a princess does not mean I do not know how to lay common sheets."

Arla picked up the used sheets, "thank you, Mi'lady."

April silently regarded her, "you speak well, you've had an education?" she asked the girl who was now fluffing pillows.

"Yes. I was the daughter of a merchant until..." she stopped, tears clouding her eyes.

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