chapter 20

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          The hall was filled with music and dancing people. April latched onto Ian's arm as he took her around, introducing her to dignitaries. Her face hurt from smiling all day. People bowed whenever they approached, reminding her that she was queen now, no longer princess. She sipped wine from her goblet and looked at the people around. She had a very good view from her position beside Ian.

"Have I told you how splendid you look?" Ian asked, whispering in her ear. His hand was on her bare back, leaving feather - light touches.

"Yes. Twice, I believe," she said not looking at him.

"You are easily the most beautiful woman in this room," he said again.

"Hmm," she continued with her survey, while sipping her wine, shifting from foot to foot and wondering when it was proper enough for her to leave and just go back to her room so she could rest. She was exhausted. She saw Ian glaring at her from the corner of her eyes. If he thought flattery was going to make her forget what he had done, then he was sorely mistaken.

  He sighed before asking, "Is something wrong?" Trying to get her to talk was proving futile. She shook her head, not saying anything. He looked at her face, she looked blank.

    April sighed and brushed a strand from her face. She looked away, but ignoring Ian was hard. So instead, she focused her attention on Karen's swaying figure at the center of the dancing. Like Karen had said before, what April wore was modest compared to the red dress she now wore. Karen's back was completely exposed, along with half her tummy. And a long slit ran from top to bottom of the skirt, showing her long legs whenever she moved. Seemed these people loved wearing exposive clothing.

     April smiled a real smile for the first time since that day. She watched as Karen moved her body to the beat, entertaining them all. She looked on longingly and wished she could dance like that. Like a goddess. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Ian still watching her and she sighed. He was about saying something when a man approached them, and she felt him stiffen beside her, making her tense as well. The man came to a stop before them, and she looked up at him. Times like this she hated being small, she wished she was taller so she could look him in the eye.

    Dark hair, dark eyes, broad shoulders. An ugly scar ran over his left brow, marring his handsome features. Indeed, he was handsome. And yet, there was something about him that made April want to run and hide. Ian cleared his throat beside her, and she realized with a blush that she had been shamelessly staring. But, who was he that he made Ian so uncomfortable? Her guess would be that he was the one they called....

"McClain," Ian growled out, and April tensed even more.

  McClain smiled, revealing a fine set of teeth. "My king," he said bowing with a flourish. Then his eyes rested on her, and she felt her skin crawl from his gaze. "I don't think we have been introduced yet, my Queen. I am Lord McClain, Laird of the eastern border," he said taking her hand in his and kissing it, his lips lingering longer than necessary.

April shuddered, it took everything in her not to snatch her hand back and wipe it on her skirt.

"It's as much a pleasure to meet you, my Lord," she said curtseying. His eyes took her in, roaming about and lingering most especially where the dress exposed her skin. Ian growled at that, not liking that he was ogling his wife. His hand shot out and grabbed April's waist, pulling her into his side.

  McClain was still holding April's hand, rubbing it with his thumb, and even when she slightly pulled, he didn't release it. "No one told me of your beauty, my Queen." His gaze slid to Ian, "you have such a fine treasure here your grace, I suggest you protect it well."

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