chapter 34

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Ian stared at the woman he thought he had loved for a long time. She looked so different from the woman he had seen a few days ago. She had filled out, her hair was lustrous and she looked healthy once again. As much as he was happy to get her back, he was tired already. She was clingy and whiny and unsatisfied.

"But why can't I sleep in your room?" Myrcella asked again for the umpteenth time and it took all of Ian to not shove her out of the study and slam the door in her face. She refused to let him be, she followed him everywhere like she was his own personal shadow.

He sighed and answered her again, "Because I have a wife, and she is currently occupying that position," he explained patiently. But that patience was hanging by a thin thread.

"And am I not your wife?" she asked angrily. The fire that had once drawn Ian to her now pushed him away. He groaned and rubbed his brow. He didn't know how to answer that question. She was still his wife, yes. But he sure as hell didn't want her to be anymore.

Myrcella narrowed her gaze at him. "It's because of her, isn't it? She is the one manipulating you," she got up and roughly shoved her chair back and turned away from him as she hid her face in her hands and pretended to cry.

It was a tactic that worked for her well when they were still married. Anytime he saw her cry, he became upset and left whatever it was he was doing and went to her. He always gave in to her demands whatever it was. She peeked through her fingers and saw that he was still seated at his desk watching her with an amused expression.

Myrcella sighed defeatedly and dropped her hands. "So that's it then. You are just going to leave me for her? ... I missed you, didn't you miss me too?" she asked, tears pooling in her eyes.

Ian sighed and walked over to meet her and held her shoulders. "Of course I missed you. Do you know how hard it was for me when you disappeared. I'm glad you are back, but ... You can't sleep in my room," he said and she began to cry. He groaned and tried to pet her. Why did women always have to be so damned difficult?!

He pulled her into his arms and let her cry. "It's alright," he said patting her awkwardly.

The door opened and April's ashen face came into view. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you had company." She said nothing and closed the door.

Ian groaned again. Now he was torn between going after April and comforting Myrcella. Although he didn't know what he was comforting her for. He started to move her but she held onto him.

"Please don't leave me!" She begged.

"Just wait for a second. I'll be right back, I prom ..." he was cut off by Myrcella smashing her lips against his. But he felt nothing. Just then the door opened again and he pulled away from her and froze as they both looked at the person.


April didn't bother to turn when she heard the door open and close. A chair was dragged over and Myrcella sat down. April glanced at her and turned her gaze back out the window.

"Hello April," Myrcella said and April glanced back at her wondering what she wanted.

"I never thanked you for saving my life the other day," she said.

April looked away, "I didn't save you. Arla did, and now she is dead."

"I know, and I'm sorry I just stood there and did nothing. I also heard about your, you know, your bab ..."

April quickly stopped her before she could complete the statement, "Don't! Why are you here? What do you want?" she asked wearily.

Myrcella sighed and spoke, "I am here because of Ian."


"I am leaving," she blurted out.

April looked up shocked, "why?" she deigned to ask.

"When I first got back, I thought that I could just continue with the way my life was before. But I was wrong. It's not the same. You are here now, and I feel like I am I intruding on your life."

You are.

"And I don't feel comfortable with that. Ian has changed. He is not the same man I loved two years ago. And I think that the best thing for all of us will be for me to leave. Who knows, I might just find what I'm looking for out there," she said with a small smile.

"But ... where will you go?" April asked.

"Oh I don't know. Mercia, maybe. Or Wessex. I've always wanted to go there."

"Have you told Ian?"

"No, but I will."

"When do you leave?" April asked feeling happier than before.


"Okay, if you ever go down to Mercia, you can tell my sister that you are my, that um ..."

"Don't worry, I understand. Thank you once again for saving me that day."

April was about correcting her when she hugged her, and April awkwardly patted her back.

"Thank you, and he loves you you know" she whispered in April's ear.

"He doesn't," April said.

"And who told you that?" Myrcella asked with a raised brow and left.

After she had gone, April sat wondering when the door opened again. It was Judith. She gave her a small smile.

Judith was surprised to see her smile. Surprised but glad. She had been looking too gloomy these past few weeks. It was good to see the color returning to her cheeks. Her eyes seemed bright once again.

Judith took a seat beside her, "you look good," she said without meeting April's gaze.

April noticed this, "What's wrong?" she asked alarmed.

"I am leaving," Judith said quietly.

"Oh." April felt sad, terribly. Judith had been with her close to two months now. It was only right that she left. She had her own kingdom to take care of, not staying here acting as wet nurse to her. "When are you leaving?"

"Three days time."

Silence ensued between them as each was lost in his own thought.

"Can I come with you?" April asked suddenly.

"What? Why?"

"Please, I don't want to stay here by myself. Arla is not here, and I don't think I can handle it."

"Ian is here."

"He is, but it's not the same anymore. We aren't good for each other. He deserves to be with someone he loves, I am just the baggage he had no choice but to marry. Please let me come with you. I won't stay there permanently, just a week or two, then I will come back. Please Judith."

Judith sighed and gave in reluctantly, "this isn't a good idea."

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