Who Are You?

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A dark figure walking towards me at an agonizingly slow pace getting closer. I can't see their face I can only feel the pain and rage coming off them in waves. I'm terrified and sweat is beading on my forehead. Soon their on me a black mass of shadow coming in for the kill...

Panting into the morning light, I sit up, feeling pressure in my chest and my head screaming at me for water and Advil. I know its a dream, but I quickly scan my room for intruders.

I swing my legs over the bed and shuffle into my on-suite, digging through my cabinet for pills.

I pop two into my mouth and cup some water from the sink to swallow them.

Walking back to my bed, I hear my phone vibrating and check on it.

Marie: "Bitch, you still wanna grab lunch today?"

Marie: "Are you sleeping, still?"

Marie: "Bitch, it's One you better reply, or I'm going without ya."

I checked the time 1:30.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, she's gonna murder me."

I quickly started typing.

Me: "Girl, I'm sorry I must have been more tired then I thought that episode knocked it outta me last night, sorry."

Marie: "Jesh had me waiting all day. I'm starving. Get your ass dressed and meet me at Sal's. You got 15 minutes, bitch."

With that, I ran to my closet and grabbed my loose-knit black sweater and some dark grey leggings, and pulled them on. Scrambling in my rush, I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone and ran to the door, almost forgetting my shoes in the process. I slipped on my black ankle boots and ran out the door, locking it behind me.

Outside my front door frantically heading towards Sal's, I turned slamming smack dab into someone knocking me to the ground. Without looking up, I picked up my stuff, muttering apologies and got to my feet, walking again without another word. I was in a hurry and didn't have time to get into a conversation with a neighbor.

Soon I was at the diner and strolled inside to find Marie waiting with two cups of coffee sitting in a booth.

"I'm sorry, dude, been a rough morning."

I gave her my best apology smile and sat down on the other side.

"Whatever what matters is your here now because I'm starving, and I ordered us pancakes."

I noticed a short curvey woman who looked in her mid-40s, heading our way with two plates of pancakes.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing shes coming with our food."

The waitress with a tag that read Sarah placed our food on the table, mainly addressing Marie.

"Here you go, dears."

She turned to wink at me and walked away.

"Oh my god, I think she loves you."

Marie said, giving me an exaggerated wink.

I flicked a stray chocolate chip from my pancakes, hitting her on the nose.

"Do you think she's my heart's desire."

I let out a bellowed laugh snorting way louder then I thought.

"OK, but seriously have you had any signs."

She pushed me for an answer.

"Why would I, I didn't buy a ring remember all that happened to me was a strange dream, probably from that questionable corn dog...Oh, and on the way here, someone bumped into me and knocked me on my ass."

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