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I turned, hearing a gasp, to see that Bill was lying on the ground awake.

He slowly sat up, looking around where he was until his eyes met mine.

"Marie...what happened? Where's Pennywise?"

I looked at Alex, and the two of us walked over to him, Kylo following us. I knelt in front of Bill, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"He's gone, Bill, for good."

Bill looked at us for a moment, silent.

"Here," Alex intervened, putting both hands on Bill's face. She closed her eyes, concentrating on him.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"His mind is clear. He's gone for good."

I felt tears filling my eyes at those words. No more clown. No more possession. Just Bill.

We all turned to see the tower, and anything related to Pennywise, slowly turning to ash. Pretty soon, it became nothing but an empty sewer space.

"He really is gone..." said Bill, looking back at us. He then hung his head and began to cry.

I wrapped my arms around him, comforting him as he released his feelings. I extended an arm out to Alex and brought her in, holding her as well. Kylo also joined the hug. We all sat on the ground, holding each other, none of us wanting to let go.


It had been a few days since we killed Pennywise. We did a lot of resting in the cabin. Anytime now, Alex was going to be leaving. It was just a matter of when that moment was going to happen.

"What are you going to do, Marie?" Bill asked as I was packing my suitcase back up.

I didn't say anything at first, just looking out the window.

"I'm not sure. Part of me wants to go home, but there's nothing really in Halifax worth going back for. I think there would be too many memories of Alex..."

Bill got up from the bed and joined me at the window.

"Stay with me here in Sweden."

I was surprised by his offer, "What?"

"I do get lots of job offers for films in Canada. We can go back anytime you want to visit. You can travel with me while I work. I can get you a position in the costume departments of each film I do. I'll teach you Swedish too."

As shocked as I was hearing this, I also felt very happy to hear it. It felt like the right choice. I could start a new life with Bill here. We could go back to Halifax for my belongings. I could settle here with him, maybe have a second home in Canada...

"Yes, Bill, I'll stay here with you," I said, taking his hand.

Bill let out a big smile, "I know it's a lot asking you to leave your old life, but I promise you this will be worth it."

"It already is," I said to him, planting a kiss on his lips.

There was a knock on our door. It was Alex.

"Hey Bill, how are you feeling? Mind if I steal yo, girl?"

He laughed, "I feel like me. 100% me. And yes, you may."

I laughed and stepped out with Alex. We went out onto the porch together.

"We've had quite a life together, haven't we," She said to me.

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