Merry Christmas

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                                                            *This chapter is brought to you by smut

ALEX- Christmas Day 

For the following months leading up till Christmas eve, I trained with Kylo, and now I was stronger than ever. I think I was stronger than even him, but he would never admit that. I also fashioned my own lightsaber with the stone in my ring and some scraps from a salvage yard. I locked myself away, and with Kylos little instruction I made it, it was mine my very own saber I was so proud of it. I designed it to look just like Kylo's. He seemed to like it as well.

I picked it up quickly, Kylo said I was a natural-born fighter, but I still had a long way to go. Which only proved to me that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I even had full control of my powers now.

I felt like power just radiated off of me wherever I went. People would be intimidated by me, some even crossing the street or looking away from me when id walk by. It was like they sensed a dangerous predator, and they were my weak prey. Sometimes I think even Marie was a little scared of me. I haven't seen as much of her as I would have liked to, but I've made tremendous progress.

I had spent the entire day cooking and prepping Christmas dinner. Kylo seemed a little confused about the holiday something I guess he's heard of, but no one celebrates it where he's from. He was growing concerned about getting home as much as I didn't want to go, so was I.

Marie was coming over for dinner and to exchange gifts I couldn't wait to see her. I was setting the table when the doorbell rang.

"Come in," I yelled. I didn't need to ask because I could sense who it was already.

"Hey." She smiled, holding out boxes, and Kylo rushed over to help her.

"Thanks," she muttered. They still weren't on the best of terms, but things were getting better between them, and that made me happy and hopeful.

"I'm so happy to see you, Merry Christmas." I smiled, pulling her into a big hug. I know she needs it. Shes still depressed over Bill. I saw my sister, my best friend, mentally withering away.

"I hope you're hungry." I laughed, holding her at arm's length, motioning to the table at the beautiful spread I had out. I even made Kylo help me fold napkins to be fancy. Thank you, Pinterest.

"Ravenous." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.


Dinner was terrific if I do say so myself.

"That was delicious, Alex," Maire said, patting her full belly and laughing.

It has been so long since I've heard her laugh I had a big grin on my face letting her laugh spread warmth over me. I want her to be happy more than anything. That's all I want for Christmas this year.

I felt myself slip into Kylo's mind only briefly to find what I always found his desire for me wanting me while watching me smile. He's been feeling this way for months but made no move to touch me. He was waiting for me. We haven't made love since before Pennywise assaulted me. I haven't wanted anyone to touch me.

Tonight I was finally ready. I mentally told him I have a gift for him later, and he looked at me, confused. He tried to probe to see, and I blocked him out so he wouldn't see what I've been planning for a few weeks now.

After we cleared the table and poured some more wine, we opened gifts. Marie had made Kylo a new set of robes, much like the ones he usually wears, but with some modifications, she also made me a set that looks so cool I was going to look badass. She also got me a beautiful leather journal with an A on the front in gold stitching.

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