He's Here

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It had been a week since Alex and I went clubbing. I was staring at my calendar on my fridge. We now had three weeks until we left for Sweden.

I couldn't believe we were doing this. I did travel to Europe in high school as a senior year thing, but we never visited Sweden. I was excited to have fun with Alex, but I was also excited to get Bill back, or at least...try to.

I never heard from him after he left. He blocked my number so I couldn't reach him. I wondered if he still thought of me...it's been almost four months. Did he still love me? Or did he forget about me by now...

Honestly? He probably did. He's a big celebrity over there. There's no doubt girls are all over him. He probably found a hot young girl to be with. Maybe it was one of his co-stars...

Oh, fuck...then what if going to Sweden is all for nothing? Like, what if we go there and he's moved on?

I grabbed my phone and texted Alex.

Me: Alex, maybe Sweden isn't a good idea...

Alex: WTF. Whhyyyyyy?????

Me: Well, what if he moved on? He's a got guy...he defiantly found someone else by now...I just think we're going to waste our time trying to find him...

Alex: Okay, first of all, you're an idiot. Do you not remember what you both went through 4 months ago? No way in hell, he's forgetting that. You were, and still are, the only one to defeat this fucking demon attached to him. Girl, he should be marrying you right now cause of that alone.

Me: Oh yeah...

Alex: Lol, goof.

Yeah, maybe I was just overthinking this. He was my sign after all...he was. We were meant for each other, and I had to prove it to him.


I got into my pj's early that evening. The small business I worked for had no clients for me since wintertime was pretty slow for garment/costume making, so I was desperate to keep myself occupied from the depression. I was in the middle of watching TV when the power went out.

Well shit.

I looked outside, and there was a blazing snowstorm. Yup, that must of did it. I figured maybe just crawl into bed early. I snuggled up into my blankets, putting one of my pillows next to me. I held it as I fell asleep, pretending it was Bill.


I woke up to the sound of evil laughter. But I knew it was the laugh of Pennywise. I tried to sit up in my bed, but I was glued down. I gazed around my dark bedroom. It was pitch black. I grew terrified.

He was here, somewhere. Pennywise was here. I couldn't see him, but I could feel him. My room was too dark. What if he was in the corner...he had to be there. Staring at me, maybe mocking me.

Okay, I thought. It's okay, remember? There are shackles on my wrists now whenever he's around. So he's not here.

I went to scratch my face, only to realize my wrists were bound together by shackles.

I screamed.

I sat up quickly in my bed, gasping as my eyes opened from the dream. I looked around my room. It was dark, but I could still see since my eyes adjusted.

Suddenly panicking, I rushed my hands out of the covers to my face. They were free, no shackles. I sighed a big relief. I must have just had a nightmare.

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