Sufficiently Relaxed

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I woke up screaming next to Marie I don't know why she's screaming though. Kylo came barreling in the door.

"What's going on?" He came to my side, holding my face while I was gasping for air. "Marie, are you ok?" I looked over, and she was shaking.

I linked minds with her and looked back to Kylo. "We had the same nightmare. It felt so real." I kissed him, pulling him close into a hug. "You were dead." I couldn't help the tears they fell over my cheeks, and I clung to him so tight.

"Hey...shhh. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He held me out at arm's length, looking over my face, he kissed my tears away. After a few minutes of calming us down, he went back to the couch.

"It's still dark; you two go back to bed. I'll leave your door open, call me if you need me." I loved this man with all my heart. I don't think I've told him, but I hope he knows.

"Thanks," I said, and he left.

I turned to Marie, "What the fuck was that. It was insane, but I know what he's doing."

She looked at me, blinking in the darkness. "He's trying to use our fears against us. I could never hate you, you know that, and he knows I don't want to become a monster just like he knows you don't want to be alone." She nodded with understanding.

"I love you, Marie." I hugged her tight once more, and we lay back down, pulling the covers up.

"It's funny." She said in the quiet. "What is," I asked. "That you can say that to me but are too scared to tell him." I gasped out. "Don't be ridiculous, Marie."

She snorted and rolled to face me, her eyes getting severe.

"Alex, I know that you're scared to get close to someone. Your family abandoned you, and you don't want everyone you love to do the same."

I turned away, ignoring her. I knew she was right, but I wasn't going to tell her that it would go to her head.

I felt her snuggle close to me, and I smirked it's alright we were both still pretty worked up.

"Good night Marie." I smiled when she said it back sleepily.


An hour went by, and Marie was sleeping soundly next to me. I couldn't go back to sleep. I chewed on my lip. I could see Kylo sleeping on the couch from my here. I slowly crawled out of bed, trying not to wake Marie.

She rolled over facing the other way, and I froze...after a few seconds she was quiet.

I crept out to the kitchen, tiptoeing to the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of water and hopped up on the counter, drinking it. I slowly sipped on my water, and I tipped my head back, closing my eyes and trying to relax. I was too amped up.

"Can't sleep." I yelped and hit my head against the cupboard. Kylo was standing between my thighs, smiling at me.

"Ouch...What's wrong with you? You cant go sneaking up on people." I rubbed my head, irritated, and smacked his arm.

"Sorry I couldn't miss the opportunity." He placed his hands on my thighs. I couldn't get what Marie said out of my head, and it bothered me.

"Uh, huh." I wanted to forget it. "Maybe you could help me relax." I rested my hands on his firm chest.

"I think that could be arranged." With a gasp, I felt the force suddenly swirling around my sensitive spot. I would have fallen off the counter If Kylo wasn't standing between my legs. I went to scream out, but he silenced me with his lips whirling his tongue with mine. I bit down on his lip and growled out a low moan. I didn't know you could do that with force.

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