The Truth Shall Set You Free

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It's been a few days here, and we've shopped, stuffed our faces with delicious food, and saw some pretty incredible sights, but that was about over we were packing up to head off to our next destination Vallingby it was there we'll find Bill at least I hope. Even though we had a great time, I was a swirling vortex of emotions fear to be the most prominent one.

I could tell Kylo wanted to help me, but he was patient I hadn't so much as kissed him in days I felt terrible. Still, I tried to distance myself until I was sure about being with him. Yes, I love him so much I feel like it will consume me entirely sometimes, but this is a colossal decision uprooting my entire life to go off into frigin space to be the supreme leaders, first lady. I need some time to breathe.

The room was scary silent as Kylo, and I folded up clothes putting them in our bags.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Kylo asked, touching my arm, making me jump a little. "Sorry. I...I'll be right back. I..I need some air." I gave him an apologetic smile and ran for the door.

*What can I do, Alex? I feel you slipping away from me. I can help you if you let me.

I walked down the hallway, unsure where I was going or what I would do once I got there.

*I just need to clear my head.

I found myself outside. Our car would be here in a few hours, but I have time for a quick walk. I followed a little path through a park that was so peaceful there were no people around. It was so quiet I took a deep breath enjoying the cold air's feel as it filled my lungs. I finally felt relaxed and content.

It all crumbled when a man ran past me, slamming into my shoulder.


He turned around, running backward and flipped me off. Rage blinded me, and before I knew what I was doing, I flicked out my hand and *CRACK, the man, fell to the ground, his head rolling to the side. For a moment I just stared I was filled with bliss utter bliss then I looked around seeing no one. I took my leave speed, walking back towards the hotel, not giving it a second thought.

When I arrived, I found Marie and Kylo sitting on the bed looking way to cozy for my liking and engaging in conversation. The rage was still swirling around inside me, and I stalked across the room, pushing Marie away from Kylo with a quick flick of my hand.

"Ahh." Marie yelped. She looked over me, taking in my no doubt angry appearance. "What's wrong, Alex?"

"What's going on here? Why the hell are you two so cozy." I glared at them both. I felt Kylo trying to get inside my head. "STAY OUT OF MY HEAD," I screamed at him, and he stood up.

"Marie, can you give us a minute, please." She tore her gaze from me and looked over at Kylo, who bore a calm expression. She nodded and went back to her room.

Kylo walked towards me, and I tried to back away, but he pulled me forward with the force, and I tried to stop him. "No." He said, brushing off my attempt to hinder him.

"YOU'RE GOING TO SIT DOWN AND TALK TO ME NOW." I flinched. He's never raised his voice to me. It scared me a little if I'm honest. I walked over to the bed with my head down and flopped onto it with annoyance.

"Now, let's chat." He said, sitting down on the bed next to me. "I know you're scared. I can sense it, and I want to help you, Alex, if you'll only let me."

He was silent, waiting for me to say something.

"Your right...I am scared; in fact, I'm terrified and pissed off. I love you so much, Kylo, more than I've ever loved anyone before. I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like it's going to consume me and swallow me whole. I can't seem to see anything besides you."

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