Chapter 13

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I paced the room for the hundredth time.

" Brittany. Calm down. She's gonna be alright." Nick tried to soothe.

I shook my head." No. What if something goes wrong and she....she doesn't remember me." I panicked.

He put his hand on my shoulder." That's not going to happen. Never in the history of erasing brainwashing has that happened."

I sighed with relief.

" ok maybe once."

" WHAT?!?" I yelled, perspiration starting to show.

He backed up and put his hands in the air." Umm. Calm down. It's going to be alright. 9 out of 10 people get out of this alive."

That calmed me down.....a little.

I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

" OMG." I muttered quietly.

I stayed this way for hours until finally, without warning, the door burst open and Jemma burst in.

" she's awake." She said excitedly.

She didn't have to tell me twice.

I ran out of the room as fast as lightning.

Agents moved out of my way quickly and flung themselves against the walls to avoid me.

I almost burst through the door of the lab, but I stopped myself.

What if she didn't want to see me?

But something inside of me told me deep down to move forwards.

So I did.

The door opened up to see Sophie lying down on a hospital bed with wires attached everywhere.

She looked at me and smiled.

I chickened out.

" nooope....can't do this." I muttered, backing slowly out of the room.

A pair of hands stopped me and pushed me back inside.

" yes you can." Phil whispered in my ear.

I took a deep breath and walked forward.

" hey sis." Sophie said with a smile.

I smiled back and sat on the edge of the bed.

" hey. How...are you feeling?" I asked nervously, wringing my hands together.

She laughed, noticing my uneasiness.

" I'm fine thank you. You seem shook up are you ok?" She asked, brushing her light brown hair away with her free hand.

I nodded and swallowed hard." Yeah I'm just nervous." I admitted.

" how come?" She asked, leaning forward.

" I mean your here. My little sister. You-you died? How?...." I trailed off.

I was speechless.

Then it hit me.

My sister is right in front of me.

Alive. Well. Not evil this time.

She giggled." Well it's a long story. But it's good to see you. It's been a while."

I got comfortable." Well, spill." I gestured.

" well, after the accident once everyone thought me to be dead, they injected me with a serum to keep me alive, because I was clearly dying from my injuries. But it still made me seem dead, so when the paramedics looked me over, there'd be no difference. So three months after my 'death' they took me from my grave, covering all evidence. I was under their control. My control was through the eyes. Jordan's was different, his was in the brain. This organization that your dealing with, their defiantly not joking around. These guys are masters at what they do. It's going to be hard to beat them. I hope you've got a team."

I nodded." We do. And I will had my revenge on HAWK. For what they've done to you."

She put her hand on mine." Whoa feisty pants calm down. You'll get your chance. Right now we all need to rest and make a plan. But mainly rest. "

I grinned and hugged her.

" you definitely haven't changed a bit."

She smiled.

" so I've heard."

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