Who Am I Talking To (You Are Not There)

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"Hey, Kara. So... I called mom today... she's worried about you. I told her that I'm doing everything in my power to make this right... to bring you back... I miss you.
I miss you so much.
I figured that you would want to know how National City is doing... well, the UDS is protecting it just fine.
I know that I've told you about them many times, and... I know you might still have questions... but umm... here's some good news, the number of Obsidian-North users is getting lower. Like, very low, and we hope it'll stay that way.
One last thing... I don't want to talk about it... but Brainy said you might be able to hear me, and I thought you would want to know...

Lena is okay.
What she's done... well you don't know about it, and you deserve to hear it from her, but I'm mad at her. Very mad. Because of you.
I know that you care for her Kara. I know, so I'm doing my best to stay on her side as you would. But I can't do this without you. I need you to come back to me... and I won't let go until you do..."

And knock sounded on the door,

"Can I come inside?"

"Yes," she answered and wiped the tears along with a sniffle,

"I'm turning on the sunlight lamps," Brainy told her and walked inside.

Alex took a step back and helped him place the lamps around Kara.
The Kryptonian girl was lying on one of the beds in the med-bay. Now though, there was only one bed there, only for her. She was connected to more devices and machines than Alex could count.
A quiet ventilator was pushing air through thin tubes, leading all the way to her nose. In and out of her lungs, slowly and repeatedly. Her hair was scattered on the gray pillow that was replaced every once in a while with a new one, just like the flowers in the vase on the table beside the bed.

The monitor showed that her heartbeat started rising.
The sunlight was working.
As usual.

"Did it happen again?" Brainy asked and tried to keep his tone as professional as he could. He checked out the monitor again and looked at Alex, waiting for her answer.

He was talking about the seizures.

They used to take place on an almost daily basis.
Like a clock.
Heartbeat becoming lower and lower...
Brain activity growing higher and higher...
Blood pressure drops...
Breath stops...
...and she starts to seizure on the bed that she could call home by now. It was, after all, the only place she's been at for the past three months.

And in each and every time, they came. Brainy, Alex, Nia, J'ohn, Kelly, and Winn...
Helping at coming and her down,
holding her,
cleaning after her,
giving her whatever meds she needed,
and putting the sunlight lamps around the bed in order to strengthen her.

Then, everything would go back to normal. Alex would always stay for the night to keep an eye on her. The rest would go home and do something else to take their minds off it.

Sometimes, the DEO director would come without the seizures' invitation. Just to inform her of what was going on and tell her about her day, like she used to do. Only this time, she didn't get much of a response.
Just silence, that was broken once at every two seconds, by the beats of Kara's heart, heard through the monitor in a robotic, high, and repeated noise. It sometimes drove Alex mad... and made her wish it stopped, and that the silence would return.
But then, she remembered, that it was the only thing that kept her going.

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