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-"And that's it!"-

-"Well, I guess we have lots of surprises coming! Thank you, Andrea, for this interview!"-

-"Thank you, Brad!"-

-"And... on a different matter: today it's happening! Lena Luthor's big trail is taking place today's afternoon and hopefully will end with a decision whether the young Luthor is the one holding responsible for the attack on National City 5 months ago.
Is she innocent? Mislead perhaps?... Or is she totally guilty?
Let us hear you on the comments on our web-"

"Turn it off", an angry voice burst into the room.
Lena turned around quickly with sad eyes. Behind her was standing Kara, at the entrance to her personal office in high, beige heels, pale gray skirt, and a white bottoms shirt, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers. "What are you staring at?? Turn it off".

Lena examined her serious glance with confusion. Her knitted eyebrows showing clearly despite her glasses on didn't make her feel any better. Especially today.
She turned around to turn off the TV and the blonde watched her doing so. Her angry eyes softened into a shy smile and before Lena managed to turn back around, she was gone.

The brunette panicked at the sound of strong wind, flashing behind her, and a glass vase pounded on her desk. She turned around to her white leather chair, spinning. "Don't ever do that, you freaked me out!" She shouted and walked towards the giggling Kryptonian.

"Calm down. This is exactly why I wanted you to turn off that annoying thing", Kara lowered her voice, "you know it's all nonsense... right?" She asked her and snuck in another grin to cheer Lena up.

The CEO nodded with understanding and laid her hands on her desk, smiling softly at Kara who was playing with one of her pens.
Usually, she hated when people touched the things on her desk, although they weren't perfectly organized. Well, Kara wasn't people, so Lena let her play with her pens whenever she came. It was also kind of cute.

Kara placed her elbows on the desk and lowered the pen, looking up at Lena, "so... how are you holding up?"

"I really hate that guy with his perfect hair that is probably dyed with tons of- ... stupid-blonde-shades... things!"

"Hmm... I see", Kara hummed with surprise.

"Like, it doesn't even look natural!! So who is he trying to fool with that fake smile and those extremely white teeth?! I just never get if he's hosting a morning show, or if he's just a living-walking commercial for hair products and tooth whitening!"

"So, option B then", Kara hummed and stood up, walking over to Lena and clutching her hands, "just a little nervous".

"What was option A?" The brunette teased with a relieved smile and allowed her head to fall on Kara's shoulder. The blonde whispered something in her ear. "Kara!". The Kryptonian started laughing.

"Babe, it's going to be just fine. You're innocent. You know it, I know it and our friends know it", Kara pulled back with a confident gaze, "all that's left is to let them know it too", she whispered and placed a soft kiss on Lena's cheek.

"I know darling...", the green-eyes sighed, "my head is spinning, my stomach hurts, and I feel nauseous... like I'm going to throw my heart and brain out... I- I really don't know what's going on with me".

"It's called stress, Lena, and it's completely natural", Kara smiled at her. " I know you're used to being on control all the time, but today is going to be a little different", she finished and moved her hands down to Lena's waists.

Lena knee Kara was right. She usually was. But her head was still spinning and hurting and all she wanted to do was to lay her head back on Kara's shoulder and forget about the trial and the stress.
Maybe she wasn't actually going to throw her heart or brain out... but throwing up that dinner she and Kara never had last night was definitely an option.
She hated feeling sick like that.

Kara pressed another kiss to her second cheek, hoping to make her thoughts go away for a second. "Alex is waiting downstairs. It's time to go", she whispered.
Lena nodded and despite her head pounding in pain and her stomachache spilled, "wait!... can we try option A before we go-"


"But-", the brunette grunted and Kara's silly smile as she was shaking her head, refusing to fulfill the mysterious option and hurrying out of the door with Lena running behind her.

"Is it because I called you hair stupid??"

Not longer than thirty minutes driving after they got into the car with Alex. And another thirty minutes to pass the annoying press that pushed its cameras and flashlights so strongly against the car windows, they were about to break.
Then, almost another full hour spent on trying to avoid the angry crowd, protesting in and out of the court. Lena wasn't sure whether they were protesting in her favor and against throwing her into jail, or just... against her.
She had a nice guess though.

The three women finally arrived at the main hall in the court. The secured and professional one, that frankly, reminded Lena of the huge house her dying mother invited her in, and of course, she still couldn't help but wonder what was supposedly done to her between 5:31 to 8:58 (PM) on that day.

Oh, Rao.

"For the public judge, the crowd is asked to stand!" Shouted a young red-haired boy.

The crowd, and the superfriends among it, did as requested as Kata and Lena noticed an old and tired man, walking with bragging towards the main seat in the courtroom.
He gave Lena a repulsive gaze as he sat down slowly with a groan.

"You may sit down now miss Luthor", the arrogant judge said as if she was the only one who was given the permission to order her what to do.
But honestly, Lena would've thanked him if he had done it sooner, because looking around, she noticed that everybody had already sat back down and she was the only one standing. She glanced down to see Kara squeezing softly but nervously on her right arm. "Lena...?" She called her quietly.

It didn't take long before the green-eyes sat down quickly and embarrassingly. The quick change of position made her feel dizzy again as Kara held her shoulders so she could concentrate.

"It's all good. You're amazing", she whispered supportively to the young Luthor, but she only stared at the jury to their left.

The look on their face was so boastful and superior. Like they had already made up their minds about Lena's fate. Their confidence made it seem as if some of them had even personally made her new bed, just above a serial killer's, in a dirty cell on the second floor of "Iron-Hights" prison.
Just fantastic.

"The trail on the subject of Lena Kieran Luthor begins now!" The red boy declared, "the state against miss Luthor on the matter of the attack on National City. May God be with you miss Luthor, and the spirits of loyalty, truth, and justice guide yo-"

"Enough", the judge stated loudly. "We have begun".

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