You Are Scaring Me (Please Stop)

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"Come on, Alex! It's been five days!"

"Kara, you need to rest," Alex told her firmly.

"I have!" Kara sighed and muttered something that Alex couldn't hear well. Then, she got off her chair and walked towards her sister.

"I want to come back to Catco... Andrea is out and so is William! Someone needs to pull them back together, and now, the citizens have lost their trust in the media... in technology... and also, in each other."

Alex nodded and placed her hand on Kara's shoulder,

"Look, I know you want to help, but you have to give yourself some more time! What you've been through... We don't know how it affected you yet... I just- I want you to take things slow," she whispered worriedly.

"She's right. You really do."

The two heard a voice from the entrance of the room. Kara's heart pounded fast and her cheeks flushed.

"Hey," she mumbled,


Alex nodded at Lena as she walked inside slowly.
She smiled at Kara and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone. When her look crossed with Lena's, her smile was gone. It wasn't replaced with anger, not at all, but her glance was clear- Lena needed to tell Kara the truth.

"I owe you an apology," Kara stated once Alex was entirely outside.
Lena looked at her with surprise,

"You have nothing to apologize for, Kara."

"Yes, I do, because when you were angry with me... even when I knew what it was all about, I never really gave you the apology that you deserved... and I didn't let you know how sorry I was... how sorry I am"

Guilt pushed hard against Lena's chest, "Kara, you don't need to-"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you felt like I was betraying you. The truth is that I've tried to tell you... so many times before... but I was afraid. I was afraid that you'll never forgive me, and I knew that if you didn't forgive me... this, this would've never happened to us," Kara took a deep breath,
"I'm sorry," she repeated.

Lena noticed the tears in the blonde haired eyes,

"I should be the one asking for your forgiveness," she told Kara, "you should be out there and-"

"No, no, you had every right to be upset."

"No. Kara, I-"

Lena cut herself off. She took a few steps forward, stopping right in front of Kara.
The Kryptonian was sitting on the metal chair next to her bed.
The feeling that she got every time she was lying in that bed, was devastating, weak, and helpless, and she hated it.
So, chair.

She reached to the brunette's arm and looked up to her, capturing the tears in her deep green eyes. Lena looked aside.
How could she?
How could she tell the disarmingly loving woman in front of her what she's done?
How could she bring yourself to destroy their relationship all over again?

"What is it?" Kara asked in a whisper and clutched Lena's hands. Her touch was gentle and soft, and Lena had no choice but gazing at her again. She didn't look back because she was crying, or at least, she didn't know she was about to, because two, glowing tears rolled down her colored cheeks to the sight of Kara's compassionate glance.

"Lena..." Kara felt her palms. The selfless care in her voice was maddening. So maddening that Lena had to pull back,

"I just want to take you home," she told Kara.

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