What She Wants

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One minute of silence felt like ten.
And any longer than that felt like hours.

Kara's head was still buried in Lena's arms.
Lena's head, tilting back with exhaustion and sadness, holding the tears that threatened to wash her face with big, salty drops of her aching heart.

She was easily distracted by the knocking on the door in front of her. "Hay... can I...?" Alex asked quietly, noticing the two of them in no time. She stepped quietly inside, responding to Lena's nod, trying not to interrupt her sister. Although her great efforts didn't pay well... her sister, after all, was a Kryptonian, who could hear almost everything that was going on in National City if she wanted to.
And she was, just like her partner, desperate for a distraction.
Therefore, Alex managed to pull her out of her thoughts easily. She raised her head, looking into her sister's eyes with apathy.

"The papers", Alex started, "something about them is confusing me... I don't know if it's the tiredness or the whole situation..."
Kara sat up straight, slowly concentrating into her sister's words and knitting her brows.

"I would like to run one last test before you make your final decision. Just to be sure", she told the two and stretched out her hand towards Lena, holding a stick.
A pregnancy test to be exact.

"With everything that you've told us about your mother... the blood tests... it's not clear enough, strangely, not as this is".

The green-eyes nodded and left her bed, taking the stick Alex was holding and heading to the door. Before she opened it, she gazed backward at Kara, hoping to make one last eye contact with her before she leaves to take the test.
"I- I still don't know what to do... please, Kara... don't be mad at me".

Kara's knitted brows softened at her request. She bit her lower lip and looked down before she answered, "I'm not mad Lena. Just... take the test. If you don't want it, it's okay", she said quietly, not daring to look up and see what the brunette had to say about it.
Lena took her eyes off to the test, raising one eyebrow before she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

"Is it?", Kara heard her sister's voice cracking the short silence with a question, making her look away and play with her fingers nonstop.
"Is it okay with you?" Alex repeated, clarifying her question.

Kara shook her head lightly to her question and closed her fingers into fists. "I don't know Alex. She doesn't want it, clearly", the blonde sighed and took her eyes off the floor, straightening her look at Alex.
"She keeps coming up with excuses about why we shouldn't do it... I can't compete with that. I shouldn't".

"Have you stopped to think that maybe... she's scared?" Her sister asked her softly, "this is a big deal, Kara... I overheard you two talking..."

"We were very loud, weren't we?"

"Yeah, you were... and from what I've heard the reasons she mentioned are the truth. You two are very busy being the strongest women I know! Your hands are already so full with your work and duties, when will you have some time for yourselves?"

The Kryptonian stood up and placed her hands on her waists, swallowing, "but these things are never going to change", she said and stepped closer to her sister, "Supergirl, or a reporter, is not everything that I am. The same goes for Lena. These are just things that come along with who we are, it's what we both love to do. And I know I want to do this. I will, someday- one way or another", she announced and gave Alex a half-smile, "the only problem is... that Lena and I had never talked about it. It always seemed too early to bring that up and... I just don't know if she wants to do it too".

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