Operation Potsticker (Pt. I)

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Kara opened her eyes to the feeling of the sunlight, trailing on her skin. She blinked softly and gazed at the opened window in Lena's bedroom.
Strange... she could've sworn Lena had closed it last night.


Last night was just... wow.

Only then the blonde realized how lucky she was... so lucky.
She gently rolled herself to the other side to see her loved one lying right beside her.

"Good mo-"

She stopped with surprise.
Lena wasn't there.

Her scent could still be smelled from her pillow, but only if Kara tried hard enough. It wasn't difficult since that perfume was all she could smell during the events of last night. Or maybe it was Lena's shampoo that made her hair feel so soft while Kara's fingers were trusted in it and feeling it... maybe that body lotion of hers that made her body taste so good...


Yes. Last night was amazing. So why did Lena leave?
Kara's got up, wondering with confusion, hair, messy and eyes, tired. She walked to the bathroom barefoot and raised her head to look at her reflection in the mirror.
For a second, she forgot all about what usually happened when she did it without Lena by her side, of how scared she was.
She could only see herself, wearing Lena's pale-gray shirt that got just a bit farther down her waist. She didn't remember wearing it last night before the two cuddled down together and fell asleep.

She wasn't afraid of the woman in the mirror though, not as much as she was a few weeks back.
She smiled at her. If only Lena could see that smile, she would've been so proud and happy for her.

"Lena?" She called her as she was walking towards the kitchen.
She noticed the mess from yesterday was gone. The house was clean and tidy, and Lena was nowhere to be found.

Kara picked up her phone, expecting for countless unanswered calls and messages from Lena. Maybe something happened to her? or maybe she just didn't wanna wake her up, and left early...? Where did she go?
She really needed to check on her.
Even Nia that was supposed to meet her at Catco today didn't call or text, nor the DEO with information about the last events.

Nothing but a single message from Alex-

'You. Me. Coffee, now'

The message was sent almost 40 minutes ago, Kara wasn't sure if the offer was still on the table when suddenly she heard a knock.

"Kara! Wake up! This is Lena's door, and I would hate to break it", Alex shouted.

Kara rubbed her eyes with a giggle and walked casually to the door.

"I'm serious. I'd feel really bad if you make me kick-"

"-Just a second!" Kara answered and fastened her steps clumsily.

Alex entered the house with a smile, reaching to hug Kara, "did you get my message?"

"Yes, I was just about to-"

"So how did it go last night?" Alex asked and pulled back, "did you two talk or..."

Kara didn't respond. Alex seemed innocently interested but the look on her face showed that she had an idea or two about the answer.
And she was very, very excited.
Only then Kara noticed that the little smile she gave herself when she stood in front of the mirror, wasn't only still there, but it was also bigger than ever, decorated with a blush that grew stronger the more she thought about Lena and last night.

Alex gave her a teasing grin.

"Someone is in a good mood today!" Kara changed the subject and looked aside.

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