The Call (And Some Very Disturbing People)

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"So... people think we got married...?" Kara spoiled, trying to hide her surprise and her coming gasp.
She laid her head between her hands, elbows pressed on the desk at the DEO's meeting room.

"And also that I'm trying to escape the law by getting closer to you, as Kara Danvers who is now, according to the media, supporting Obsidian North and their mad agendas", Lena added, looking with fear at Kara and Alex. "This is a mess", she added and sighed, placing both her hands on the table and leaning forward.

"Yep", Alex confirmed quietly, saying her very first word in the last few minutes that were unimaginably awkward for her.

"This... I thought you already knew, Kara, I didn't mean for it to turn out like that... I'm sorry", Lena apologized with sad eyes.

"No, no, you have nothing to be sorry about! I didn't know about this... and I said some pretty horrible things earlier", Kara reached in with her hand to Lena who was sitting in front of her, "I should be the one to apologize", she let out and closed her eyes with this appointment.

She opened them to the feeling of Lena's hand, clutching hers and the sound of another one of the green-eyed sighs, that only implied on how troubled she was.
Kara stared at her reflection in the black-glass table as the Luthor girl stepped around her and put one of her hands on the Kryptonian's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry I said those things Lena... because, I do- I mean, I would want to... like somewhen... you know...", Kara mumbled awkwardly, looking up at Lena with a blush and making Alex wish she were somewhere else.

"Okay", Lena whispered with a secret relief and added a second hand on Kara's shoulders, softly feeling them.

"We'll think of something that would make this whole thing gone", Alex told them, "we just need a good plan", she added, implying that it was time to start brainstorming about it, but before she could continue to her next words, J'ohn walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm interrupting this, but we are receiving a very strange video-call from a blocked number", he told the three, lingering for a few seconds at the embarrassed and strange glances they gave each other.

"Well, let's get downstairs then", Alex ordered with surprise, hoping to end those embarrassing moments.
Kara got up from her chair, quickly walking outside as Alex and J'ohn were hurrying behind her.

Lena did so too when suddenly, she was stopped by a phone call. She took her phone out of the pocket in her three-piece, pale-gray suit.
The name on the screen made her shudder. She wasn't even sure why she had it saved on her phone which honestly, made the call even more surprising than hearing about Obsidian North and the marriage rumors.
Her skin went pale, so pale that if she would've sat on the white leather chair in her office, Kara wouldn't have been able to notice her.

Her pupils widened and her heart pounded as she was about to tap 'answer' on the screen.

"Lena, are you coming?" Kara turned back to look at her.

"In a second, I have to take this", the Luthor said and smiled at her nervously, tapping on the screen and gashing her teeth.

Kara kept walking, leaving Lena alone in the meeting room and heading down to see the video call they received.
The brunette knew that she should've asked the superhero to stay. She had this weird feeling that maybe Kara should be involved in it so she could help her see reason during the mysterious call, and just... be there with her while she hears what's it about.
She knew it couldn't be good. But that could've just made it worse... Kara had enough to worry about, and she was far gone and busy be then.

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