The News

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Lena's heels were knocking on her office floor, firm and consistent. She was walking back-and-forth with her phone pressed nervously to her ear.

"No, I do not want to answer your questions", she raised her voice with restlessness, "I- umm... No comment!" She hurled and hanged up the phone.

She stopped her steps with worry, wishing for some explanations for the countless calls she had been receiving all morning from reporters, asking weird questions.
She put her phone down she turned on the TV.
Usually, she did so whenever things got too strange, but oh, after she saw the title, she wished she hadn't done so.

The title was covering a big part of the screen, and it was really, impossible to ignore.

'Where Are The Rings?!' 

Lena panicked at the sight of the picture shown above it. It showed Kara and her, kissing right out of the tent last night, and right next to it a reporter, talking with excitement and surprise and pointing at it. She decided to unmute the TV.

"Our morning begins with an exclusive that will have you shocked. That's a promise! We have been receiving dozens of pictures and videos that honestly, none of us saw coming!" He started and pointed backwards, implying to the viewers to focus at the pictures running behind him.

"CEO of L-Corp, Lena Luthor, who is also one of the main suspects in the attack on National City, was yesterday spotted kissing with Kara Danvers, a reporter from Catco Worldwide Media, who recently won our national Pulitzer Prize. The two were standing next to what seems to be a big hall made of fabric. We believe it was built in the main square within a few hours earlier that day", the reporter informed, leaving Lena with her mouth open due to the videos that captured every detail of their date.

"We can see the both women were wearing dresses and the area seems quite romantic, if you know what I mean. We've heard rumors about the two's close relationship before, but never predicted it was getting this close. Although the pictures don't show rings, witnesses from the area give a very reliable guess that the two might've got not-so-secretly married".

He did not just say that. Lena's heart pounded. She wasn't sure if it was his words that had her shocked, probably like anyone else who was watching, or if it was a secret excitement that washed over her at the word 'married'.
Either way, the sweat in her palms and her burning cheeks were not misplaced.

"We are, of course, very happy for the couple", the rporter continued, "yet we can't help but wonder if this very surprising act has anything to do with the soon coming trial that the young Luthor is facing... It could be considered as a factor of her public relations. The two haven't given their statement yet, but we will keep you updated..."

Lena turned off the TV.
Yes, as told in the news, that exclusive did have her shocked.
It was bad. It was beyond bad, it was really bad.

She had to make Kara wear a white dress, didn't she?
She had a whole tent built for her. Oh god.

What would she think? What would she say? Lena felt so embarrassed... and with all of those nonstop calls, Kara probably knew even before she did. She must've felt so embarrassed and nervous.
The Luthor girl ran to her desk and called her secretary, "I need today's newspaper", she asked, still not believing what was happening.

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