An offer And A Turning

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The sun rays showing on the empty seat next to her slowly disappeared, as the young Luthor was driving towards the large house that was standing in the middle of a forest.

The tall trees beside her car were covered with dark, green leaves. Lena guessed they were each at least 20 meters tall, and with the help of a 6th floor manor house, the trees managed to cover the entire area with depressing and creepy shadow.

The seat next to the brunette's was completely dark when she stopped her car, looking at the sun hidden by the high trees almost entirely.
She stepped out, checking once more that she was really in the right place.
Well, it wasn't like there were other manor houses around...

The place was about 30 minutes driving from the northern border of National City, so if she needed help, Kara could make it there in seconds... It was a weird place for a meeting, but she couldn't expect anything less after the mysterious call earlier that day.

She moved her hand closer to the door as she stepped up the stairs so she could knock on it when something stopped her.

It was too easy, she thought. It was way too easy.

With some good sense of reason, which the young brunette did not use at the time, she would've never even thought of driving there, not to mention knocking on the huge metal door in front of her... At least not by herself, but with everything that was going on in her personal life all she wanted to do was to get done with it.

So she knocked. Correction- tried to knock. The door was unlocked, and it moved inside the moment Lena touched it.

The CEO stepped inside carefully, looking around the house. It wasn't dark in there. In fact, it was lightened up beautifully, looking even bigger than it seemed before... It wasn't scary as she imagined, and Lena could've sworn she heard people talking inside.

Call Kara, she thought. Don't walk in by yourself. Call her. Now.

No. Kara is looking for Ben and Andrea. She doesn't know about this, and she shouldn't... it would just be weird and make her worried.

So don't call, just get done with it! You can handle this!- she tried to convince herself to be brave. She was a Luthor after all. She was raised to be so since birth.

She could just call Kara for help if she needed it- No, no calling. Or maybe...
No- come on!!

For the love of God...

"Fuck this", she whispered quietly to herself and opened the door fully, stepping right into the huge house.

After some very long minutes of walking in that big house, she finally walked into a room that was just a bit more interesting than the 11 before it.
Because that was where her mysterious person was waiting, lying in a big bed with guards on both sides of it.

"Lena! I didn't think you'd show up... It is so good to see you".

"I wish I could've said the same about you... mother", Lena answered sarcastically and closed the door behind her. "I got your call. I came, as I promised I would. What do you want?"

"Why won't you take a seat?" The Luthor mother asked.

"Get-to-it, mother. Now! I don't have time for your mind torture".

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