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11th February

"Do you, Kim Namjoon, take Kim Seokjin, to be your lawfully wedded husband and swear to stand by the vows you made?" the officiant asked as she looked at Namjoon and Jin standing in front of her, holding hands.

"I do." Namjoon said out loud and clear, with no hesitation.

The officiant then turned to Jin. "And do you, Kim Seokjin, take Kim Namjoon to be your lawfully we-"

"Yes, I do." Jin interrupted her hastily.

The crowd laughed a little and Jin smiled sweetly.

"Someone's in a hurry." the officiant teased.

Namjoon huffed a laugh and then looked at his beloved. "Love, you have to let her finish first." his dimples were exposed like mini crescents on his cheeks.

Jin raised his eyebrows slightly and then looked at the woman.

"I, Kim Seokjin, take Kim Namjoon as my husband and I swear to keep all the vows that I made." he said to her modestly and turned to Namjoon with a smirk. "Happy?"

Namjoon looked down, smiling in embarrassment while Jin just smiled back smugly.

'Snap' Jungkook's camera captured the moment as Namjoon's eyes trailed back to Jin's and they drowned in the other's eyes. A day as today was bound to overwhelm the love between the two, bound to strengthen their bond for life. And Jungkook knew that, because as he took pictures of the couple, he could literally see their affection and love for each other.

In Jungkook's eyes, Jin and Namjoon were the couple who became selfless in order to be selfish for the other. They were the couple who trusted each other with their darkest fears, secrets, insecurities-heck, even their lives.

'I would love to have a relationship like that.' Jungkook would always think, when he'd see them together.

He wasn't jealous.....okay, maybe a little, but he believed that there was someone out there for him, and that he just had to wait for the right moment, the right time.

"Now are we husbands?" Jin asked the woman anxiously.

The crowd laughed once more at his childish eagerness.

The woman smiled to herself. "I now pronounce you both husbands. You may kiss."

Namjoon gripped his partner's hands tighter, but Jin let go, and with one hand on Namjoon's waist, he pulled his face into a kiss. He was surprised for a moment, but then placed his hands on Jin's hips and returned the kiss.

Amid the claps and cheering, Jungkook was on a roll with his camera. His hands couldn't stop, he wanted to capture it all, everything. The kiss, their expressions of pure bliss and joy, Hoseok's wide smile, Yoongi's unnoticeable crying, the happiness on either of the Kim family's faces......he wanted to capture those moments in time, for Jin and Namjoon to relive once they were wrinkly old men with white hair on their heads.

Jungkook's mouth curved into a small smile behind the camera as he thought of that. He'd known Namjoon since the very beginning, they were childhood friends and lived in the same neighbourhood. Even though Namjoon was older by four years, they bonded pretty well. Soon, Hoseok and Yoongi joined their pack, and then he met Jin. Jungkook loved his friends, and is really glad he met such people in his life. He only wished the best for them.

During the after party, the five of them sat on one table. The cake was cut and dinner was served. Jin and Namjoon would chummily feed each other occasionally, making Yoongi frown in disgust, only to secretly smile at them later.

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