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26th February

"Are you sure you gave them the right photographs?"

"Jungkook, that's the seventh time you've asked me that." Tessa's bored eyes rolled at him. "Just chill, okay?"

"As the photographer, I need to make sure that the right photos of our models were sent to the stylists." Jungkook was giving the presentation on his laptop a final check.

"Yes, yes, I know."

He rubbed the skin below his lower lip, staring at the slides on his screen.

"And the theme? Th-"

"Jungkook, I double- no, triple checked everything myself, after we discussed everything." Tessa said to him. "It'll be okay, alright? You've done this before."

"But this is different!" he shut his laptop and stared at her. "This is the first time our company is going to have models from our own agency! It's a huge deal! And I do not want to mess it up."

Jungkook wasn't nervous, he was just a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility on his shoulders.

"You'll do fine, just think of it as all of our other meetings. You don't have the audacity to make a mistake. You'll be fine, okay?"

He nodded his head subtly and stacked a couple of photos together into a file.

There was a knock at the door and a man peeped in.

"Jungkook, Tessa, everyone is here."

"Even Namjoon?" he asked.

"Yes, Jungkook. Mr. Kim is here as well."

"Right-" he got up and gathered his things. "-tell everyone we'll be right there."

The man nodded and left them.

Tessa put on her blazer and helped Jungkook with the files and documents, while he grabbed his coat and laptop, to head downstairs to the meeting room.

As soon as they stepped out of Jungkook's office, Tessa noticed the man's expression change. His tense eyes were a bit more relaxed and determined, his teeth had quit biting his lips and he seemed to have turned into a much calm and focused person.

"There it is-" Tessa stated modestly, as she walked beside him. "-that game face of yours."

"Game face?" Jungkook asked back innocently, like he had no idea.

"The face that you make right before a meeting."

"I still feel the same though." he looked at her preposterously. "My heart feels like it's bubbling up to my throat."

Once the elevator stopped, they made their way down the deep royal blue hallway, to the meeting room, where they were greeted by an array of people from various departments of the company, with the CEO, Kim Namjoon, sitting at the head of the table.

"Ah! Jungkook, Tessa!" Namjoon greeted them. "Good to see you both. Please, take your seats, we shall start the meeting in another ten minutes. Till then, please be ready with your ideas and presentations."

Overall, the meeting had gone well for Jungkook. His, and his department's collective ideas for photo shoots and other projects were taken in with great appeal and fascination.

Although, when collaborating with the fashion department, their joint plan was at stake by the budget they had been promised. Their estimated expenses exceeded that of the fixed budget assigned to them. Now, the finance department tends to be very strict when it comes to the fixed budgets of each group. They simply cannot take money from another department to fulfill the needs of the other. It would create an imbalance and make a little bit of a mess.

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