.: ~ Love? ~ :.

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.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :.

I looked down to the page of notes I had taken, except they weren't notes it was a picture of Bakugou. The ash blonde had finally held still long enough for me to draw it, now I had at least 1 sketch of everyone in class.  Mic was still going on about grammar which apparently the class sucked at, I tuned in for a moment "There means a place not where you are, Their is something used to refer to a group of people, While..." it took me only 15 seconds to tune back out.  I started shading in some of the drawing just after I added the finishing touch the bell rang for lunch and I was quick to pack up then dash to lunch. I joined the bakusquad who was already sitting at a table eating and laughing "Hey kaminari!" Mina greeted.  Everyone at the table said their greetings and Bakugou grumbled something that sounded like a 'Hi Dunceface' I smiled a little "What are you guys talking about?" I asked curiously.  "The kid who will replace Mineta's spot." Sero explained "Why is someone taking Mineta's spot?" "You didn't pay attention in class. Mineta was expelled for Harassing a Class 1-B student." Bakugou told him, "Oh," was all could say, yes me and Mineta were friends but it didn't mean I approve of his actions.  "I heard the student is from the General studies course" Mina said with a smile "Don't they usually wait until the following year to switch the students to new classes?" I asked and Bakugou growled "Since when did you know anything Dunceface" that one hurt, I knew stuff. "Okay, okay, geez I was just wondering." I said quickly trying to prevent Bakugou from going off, "It happens, Bakugou is just in a bad mood today." Kirishima reassured with his toothy smile. "Well does anyone have any idea what he looks like or anything?" Sero asked and everyone shook their heads including me, obviously. "He comes to class tomorrow anyways we'll find out then" Kirishima said as I finished my meal. "Classes will be over soon" Mina said and turned to Sero "Then I'll be able to beat you at Mario Kart." she was competitive, no doubt. "Not if we don't get to class!" Sero exclaimed with a smile and getting up to head to class, the rest of the group followed. I was so bored the whole class and after what felt like forever it finally ended! I took my stuff to the dorms and collapsed on my bed wondering who this new kind was. I rolled over and looked at my wall thoughts racing, 

What's this kid gonna be like? 

Nice like Deku? 

Rude like Bakugou?

 Overprotective like Mina?

 Strict like Momo and Iida? 

Maybe laid back like me Sero and Kiri? 

The questions kept coming until I lost track of the time only coming out of my mind when there was a knock at the door "Hey you coming? It's supper time" It was Sero. I quickly changed and opened the door and walking to supper with Sero after a hasty apology. Sitting down he ate while the rest of the class talked, at the moment he was listening to Mina complain about losing Mario Kart 3 times in a row to Sero. The thought almost made him laugh, Kirishima suddenly joined the conversation with a "Yeah, we can't use the television anymore" he laughed "Why not?" I asked taking another bite of my Sashimi. "Bakugou lost his temper when Mina beat him in just dance. He threw the controller into the television it's still stuck in there." I half choked on my food with laughter, Kirishima laughed too. 

 .: ~ Time skip brought to you by: Bakugou's temper tantrums~ :.

I yawned, another boring day sitting up I stretched and realized 'Today is that new kid's first day!'  I felt excitement rush through me as I quickly got dressed and took off towards class. I had woken up early and even gotten ready faster, 'yet I still arrived 5 minutes late.' I thought to myself and went to my seat luckily Aizawa was also late, so no detention today because of being late! But I still got a lecture from Iida for being late,   I only had enough time to sit down only half listen to Iida's lecture and get his things out for class before Aizawa walked in carrying his sleeping bag and putting it on the floor. "Alright, as I'm sure most of you have figured out by now Mineta has been expelled and today there is a new student who is joining your class to take his place." Aizawa said in his usual tired voice. "You can come in" The classroom door opened and a boy with messy purple hair walked to the front of the classroom and looked at them. He had purple eyes, and dark bags beneath them. his stance showed he was just as tired as Aizawa, if not more. He had a face of seriousness and looked like he never smiled 'Well I'll be fixing that.' I thought. I nearly facepalmed myself as I realized while I had been looking at the boy he had been introducing himself, I tuned in though just in time to hear he was seated behind me. The boy passed my seat and side glanced at me, I swear my heart skipped a beat 'Is that normal??' I really hoped I wasn't sick or anything. 

A/N I know this is short, it's a first let me know if I should continue it, please excuse my horrible skills. So please don't judge too hard. (Word count: 953) 

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now