.: ~ A Shocking Discovery (Pt 1.) ~ :.

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(I will not apologize, pun fully intended.)

.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :.

I watched Shinsou just run off, I followed him to his room but he slammed the door in my face "ow..." I muttered and left his clothes at the door and went downstairs to join my friends. Sero turned and greeted me with a smile, I smiled back "Hey Guys!" I say excitedly and Mina looks at me as I dramatically 'faint' and fall on their laps. Bakugou growled and shoved me off of his lap but Mina and Sero made sure I didn't hit the floor. "Why do girls like shopping so much?" I complain "It's so boring!" "You know that's a lie because you went with Shinsou" Mina retorted and I smile again dropping the little act and nod "True, True" Sero and Mina both laugh I lift my head and see Kiri asleep on Bakugou and whisper, "Cute soft boys" Bakugou's eyes snap to me warning me to shut up. "He didn't deny it" Sero put in and Bakugou looked away "OH MY GOD BAKUGOU'S A SOFT BOY!!" Mina shrieked Bakugou growled and looked her dead in the eye. "Unless you want to lose your head. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Your gonna wake Kiri" Sero, Me and Mina all looked at each other grinning "Soft boys" Sero murmured. Mina got up and Sero slid off the couch onto the ground, I sat up. "What do you guys wanna do?" Mina asked from the kitchen, I lean on Bakugou who tolerates it, surprisingly. 'I like this new Bakugou, It's odd but much better. Only person he doesn't yell at now is us.' I find myself thinking "that's a good idea!" I hear Kiri exclaim 'Crap!' I had missed what the suggestion was but I nodded anyways. "Let's go!" Mina said and raced to her room to get stuff, Sero, and Kiri followed, Bakugou just stayed put letting me lean on his still "Some one has been tamed." I joke. "Someone's not brain dead for a change" he retorted with a huff and he got up heading to his room to get ready. I had just gotten back from shopping so I saw no reason to change, about 10 minutes later we were heading out. 

.: ~ Time Skip brought to you by: indecisive Shinsou ~ :.

I felt drained and it hurt to breathe, We had been hiking for a good while now and everyone looked tired. "You alright Dunceface" I was surprised when I saw Bakugou was beside me and looking up, I saw just how far I had fallen back. Kiri, Mina and Sero were pulling ahead joking and laughing by now they were at least a dozen feet away. I opened my mouth to answer but as I took the breath the only noise I made was a gasp as I felt pain flare again, I had overworked my self too much today and I tried to keep walking but my senses left me entirely. Just before I black out entirely "The FUCK Dunceface?!!?" I hear Bakugou shout. 

.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :. 

Only after I was positive Kaminari had left with his friends did I open my door and pull in the bags he had left at my door 'So many'  I pull out all the clothes and sigh. I wasn't gonna wear them more likely than not. I put them away not even bothering to take the tags off, I'd keep one or two but the rest I intended on returning and getting the money back for so I could pay Kaminari back. I move on to the second bag, the only thing that I found in there was a box, I opened it and inside sat a pair of purple headphones, with cat ears on it. I paused, there was a note in the box. 

Hey, If your having to read this, guess I lost the guts to say it aloud huh. Anyways these made me thing of you so I got them plus I saw your headphones and they looked pretty beat up. Hope you like them! oh and incase your wondering, they have speakers on the ears for some odd reason and they light up when in use. 

Yes, I know you make remixes their some of my favorite things to listen to you do great on them! but I've also seen what people say about them, You just gotta ignore them. Well I was wondering if you wanna hang out later, my dorm maybe? Please don't shut me out again, see you at dinner! 

~ Kaminari 

I sigh 'he's too nice' "Sorry Kaminari, but no." I say aloud to myself. I wouldn't be able to without missing what we had. I'm not even sure his friends noticed he had surgery and forgot about me and can no longer feel love. At least now he's stopped flirting with girls, that's a plus for them. I take a cold shower and look myself in the mirror, 'I have to lock everyone out again...' I stand there working on my expression until my eyes are blank and my face emotionless. "I'm not here to make friends" I repeat until it feels natural, "I feel nothing, I talk to no one, I am no one." I say quietly to myself and then go to bed, it was late to me and I wanted to sleep but knew that my Insomnia wasn't having that. After a hour and a half I give up trying to sleep and go to make more remixes I let myself use the new headphones "Just this once" I vow referring to letting anyone help me or do something for me. I'm looking for a song to remix and decide to do one to soothe heartbreak, no particular reason for this at all. I finish and take off the headphones heading down stairs, it was 3 am, I sigh and make myself coffee. Today after getting back from shopping I realize the dorms have been oddly quiet maybe because the Bakusquad as they call it went out and decided to stay out past curfew? I doubted that Bakugou had a early bed time and wouldn't let them keep him out past it, I shrug it off as I take a sip of my coffee I set the cup down "Not bitter enough" I grumble and grab the salt container pouring a bunch in it. I stir it and then take a sip, bitter, very, very, bitter. I like it. I walk to the couch and lay down, I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight either. After finishing my coffee and cleaning up a tad I go out, yes I know it's past curfew but I needed to train and I did better when the only light I had was the moon. 

.: ~ Another time skip brought to you by: Your lazy, behind Author ~ :.

I straighten up to my full height (5'9 3/4) I adjust my position and tried again, I was in the gym and was punching the punching bag. I hear it's chain creaking and I hit it harder, I needed to get stronger so I could become a better student and ultimately a better hero. I take a step back pausing with my punches and wait for it to stop moving entirely before striking again but I was moving each time as If striking and moving out of reach for a moment before striking again. I hear something that isn't my hands striking the bag or the bag creaking on it's chain. I whirl around and narrowly avoid a attack, I smack the out reached hand upwards and bring it over my shoulder I was about to swing them over my shoulder when my leg bent and gave in. I fell down wards and let go of the arm taking only a moment to recover I spin around to see my attacker but I can't see any one in the shadows, my vision wasn't the best in the dark. "Who are you? Show yourself!" I wait for the response I need to activate my quirk, my eyes continue to dart around I'm knocked to the ground but the weight was shifted as if trying to not hurt me. I get to my feet and see a pair of glowing red eyes in a corner of the gym "You really need to work a little harder, your not very aware of your surroundings." My dad's familiar voice carries though the room easily "I know..." I say softly looking down, I hear him come closer "Don't be too hard on yourself." he said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I notice you don't have your mask or capture weapon with you this time" I nod and he sighs. " Because your my son I won't go off about your late night training but do try and get some rest" I nod again, even though I know all to well I wouldn't be able to. I watch his tall thin figure walk out and turn back to the punching bag. I begin hitting it as hard as I can out of frustration,  I also knew it was at least 4 now. I look at my knuckles and see the blood all over them it was running down my hands now, odd thing was, I didn't feel it. Not caring I continue and after a while I sit down and focus on my surroundings, with my eyes closed and find I know where almost everything was but frown as I also realize there is one section of the gym I don't have awareness of. I work until I have it in focus too then punch the bag a few more times before stumbling back to the dorms and going to my room. I clean the wounds on my knuckles and wash the blood off my hands, I wrap my knuckles in bandages and lay on my bed.  

A/N I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday, I'm not the best writer and I hit writers block badly. I can't believe 32 people have already read this... I don't know about you but that's a hell a lotta people. I'll try and post another one today to make up for yesterday's lack of one I hope it does, Thanks! (Word Count: 1733) 

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now