.: ~ Worry, Stress, Twists, Missed, Get the Gist? ~ :.

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(This is at the same time that Kaminari is running around delivering recordings instead of sending them through his phone, but fuck logic here )

.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.

'Where is he??'

I was looking down onto the crowd, for someone with bright yellow hair I lost him easily. I didn't usually lose track of people! This was embarrassing- wait, why was I looking for him again? I growled in frustration, there were too many emotions spiraling around me. I saw a guy walk into an alley way, it was suspicious but it wasn't Kaminari, I was a hero though so I went to intervene. It was starting to rain, great, the worst weather to work in. It wasn't but a light drizzle but it quickly got through my scarf and made it damp, harder to use. I heard something that sounded like something freezing rapidly, "Stop! Please!" I heard a small voice beg. I looked down into the particular alley way and saw the same hooded figure throwing ice at and around the civilian. Shit. I knew this guy,  he went by


He was a B-rank villain with a unnamed ice manipulation quirk, he was holding the civilian by the throat and looked like he was attempting to choke the civilian out and kill them. I put on my mask and prayed that this villain didn't know much about me, "What do you think your doing?" I ask my quirk at the ready, my mask had made my voice much rougher and gruff sounding. "None of your conce-" He was cut off as my quirk took hold, I jumped down 

"Let that civilian go," He did exactly what he was told "Come on, follow me" I said as the civilian gasped and ran off, Geten followed me and I sighed as I walked to the police station "Turn yourself in Geten" I told him and he walked into the police station, moments later he was arrested and contained. I released him from my quirk and walked back out, the drizzle had stopped and I had no idea where Kaminari could be now. "That was a short drizzle" I murmured to myself resting the mask back around my neck, I used the scarf to swing on the street lamp and land on the roof. In my opinion, it was the best way to do patrols. 

.: ~ Time skip brought to you by: My writers block ~ :. 

It had been several days I had spent looking for the electric user to no avail. The last thing I had heard was about day 2 of looking, 

(A mini-ish flash back okay? cool)

 There was a knock on the door, I had just finished dusting the bedrooms to keep them in their original look, I answered it. There before me stood a black haired boy, his hair flat against his forehead I recognized former the Red Riot. He had been rather popular but just kind of disappeared from the streets a good while back only a few short months after Ground Zero vanished. "Do you need something?" I asked flatly as I always did and Kirishima looked at me and showed me a recording. I took it and invited him inside, "What do you want me to do with this?" 

"Listen to it- well, watch it I guess"


"Kaminari gave it to me and I'm too scared to watch it alone..." Kirishima murmured and I nodded "Okay, hang on. I'll get the player and stuff set up." I assured and went to the television  in front of the sofa Kirishima sat on the couch and looked extremely down. "You alright?" I ask, Silence meets my question and I turn around to see him silently crying. Stunned by the sudden tears I rushed over to make sure he wasn't hurt. "No... I'm not, Bakugou-" Kirishima was sobbing now and I had no idea what to do so I called the first person I thought of, Bakugou. "He's dead..." Kirishima continued and I grimanced and hung up the call I hadn't been told this so it struck me as odd. "how?" I knew all too well no villain could have beaten him unless he had pushed too far past his limit, "He, apparently drowned himself," Kirishima answered still sobbing, I called Mina over having a feeling she would be able to help me out but she didn't answer. It looked like I was on my own for this one I tried to calm Kirishima down. It took a good hour- hour and a half to do so though. 

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now