.: ~ Dead ~ :.

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.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.

It has been months since Kaminari was last seen, He's been declared dead. I haven't eaten in three days, sleep is non existent and I alone empty about a whole container of coffee grounds a day. mama Mic is worried and so is Dadzawa. Nothing new, even Eri has stopped trying to convince me to hang out with her, I was back in my room at home. School was out for the summer and it's easy to see that I am now depressed. How could I not be? I sat in my room all day missing Kaminari, and when I did come out it was just to use the restroom which was also rare by now. Mama Mic just says I have to keep hope while Dadzawa tells me to just accept it, but I can't do anything but sit there and realize. For the first time I had fallen in love, and my love just... Died. Have you ever thought or heard a word so much it doesn't feel like a word anymore? Dead, died, dead, died. They don't feel like words anymore, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Odd enough, I find myself hoping it's a good thing. I sigh, my eyes were blurry with tears. I couldn't even remember his voice now, and even with his picture I feel memories of him fading. I thought I had long lasting memory, apparently only for words, letters, and numbers and shit. I'm not going to dress it up, it fucking hurt. I hear a knock on my door, but since I'm laying on my bed I don't care enough to answer, I hear the door swing open. "Okay, you have to stop this Shinsou" Dadzawa. I didn't care anymore, nothing mattered so I just turned to stare at the wall opposite to Dadzawa. "Don't be too harsh, I think he just needs time" Mama Mic, first Mama Mina, and now Mama Mic, Eri had come up with it and it just stuck. "He's had enough time!" I feel myself being lifted from the bed and carried to the dinner table, I didn't want to eat but Dadzawa put me in front of a plate and I didn't want to waste food. I sigh and eat slowly, each bite reminding me of one less Kaminari couldn't have. I get a few bites down before I feel the urge to throw up, I get up from the table and make it to the restroom, throwing up what I had just ate and other things I didn't know my body still had. I feel Mama Mic rubbing my back gently and trying to relax me, it didn't help. I stayed there hurling even long after the point that nothing would come out. Eventually though My body relaxed, and I stopped, I felt too weak to move though. Dadzawa picked me up and carried me back to my bed "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forced you to eat" he apologized. I don't answer letting my eyes close.

.: ~ Time skip brought to you by: Sick Shinsou's fever dreams (not literally) ~ :.

I woke up- wait.... woke up...? Apparently I had fallen asleep. What a (Un) pleasant surprise, Marvelous I fell asleep, cutos for me. I haven't died- there's that word again- yet. Not gonna lie, kinda wish I had... My mind begins to wonder as I'm left alone with my thoughts.

'Did kaminari get a last wish?'

'Was his death quick? or painful and long?'

'I really hope it was the first one'

'Did he really just disappear?'

'No, he had to of been kidnapped!'

'But there was no sign of struggle! The nurses would have noticed.'

'Wouldn't they?'

'Or was there something they were hiding?'

I suddenly feel a motivation I hadn't felt in almost a year and a half. "I'm going to find out what really happened to Kaminari, he would do the same for me even if the world thought I was dead he would look until he found me so I decided I would do the same. I almost ran head first into Dadzawa who looked stunned to see me out of my room by will. "Morning Dad." I say and walk past him, I hadn't spoken in a while so my voice sounded a little... well, cracky I guess? I walked into the kitchen where Mama Mic was making pancakes with Eri. I get myself some coffee and sit down, Dadzawa joins me, also with a cup of coffee that I had watched Mama Mic empty about half a container of salt into. He seemed to enjoy it he took another long sip before looking me dead in the eye "We need to talk." I nod and he continues. "Kaminari is dead yo-" I cut him off. 

A/N Hate me all you want! cliff hanger! wait until the next chapter to see! Also I'm sorry for how short this one is, I'm kind of on a time limit here so, Love you readers! (Word Count: 841)

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now