.: ~ Betrayal ~ :.

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(I'm sorry but for this one so you can see all sides to the story there is gonna be a lot of POV changes and switches)

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.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.

I came to slowly, I had a killer migraine and couldn't see a thing. After a moment I realize I actually can see but the room was so dark I could barely do so even with my eyes which were adjusted to the dark. I hear a door open and try to stand up, finding myself chained up and growled. "Ah, willing to collaborate?" I recognize Shigaraki's voice and before I can answer a heart achingly familiar voice shouts out desperately "Don't do it! please Shinsou! It's a tri-" The voice was cut off and I see someone hit another, much smaller figure which fell to the ground with a small grunt. Kaminari. My eyes begin to work a Hella lot better and I see much more clearly in front of me, Kaminari is beaten up almost beyond recognition his hair almost looks read from blood which the smell had overwhelmed my nose. I almost laughed, I had been without feeling this kind of emotion for so long that even the blades I had used lost their sting. But Seeing Kaminari attempt to get up again even though he was obviously beaten, allowed me to hope for the first time In years. 

.: ~ Nobody's POV ~ :.

Kaminari struggled to his feet obviously beaten but he had held through this long to protect Shinsou he could do it a little longer. Toga stabbed him in the gut with one of her knives and he cried out but refused to let himself fall down again. Kaminari looked up for a moment and saw Shigaraki reaching through the bars to touch Shinsou who couldn't move away from it, He shouldered Shigaraki away with the weak strength he had left. Toga leapt towards him and he dodged just in time for her to miss and hit Shigaraki. The pair tumbled to the ground and he quickly ran to Shinsou, Kaminari sent as much of his quirk as he could manage. The bars sizzled and the door swung open, now he just had to get Shinsou out of the chains. He ran in and quickly fried the scanners and the cuffs fell off. Kaminari shoved Shinsou to his feet and out of the room "GO!" He shouted as Toga and Shigaraki got to their feet.

.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :.


I shout shoving Shinsou out of the door and turning to Shigaraki and Toga, they were the most dangerous ones. So as long as I didn't let them get  past me Shinsou would have a chance at escaping and living. My gut hurt and I knew I was losing blood quickly, I'd have to end this quickly so I would still be able to protect Shinsou. Shigaraki and Toga both jumped at me at the same time, I already knew this was impossible to dodge without taking a risk of hurting myself more but I took that risk and dropped the second they got over confident that they had me, they tumbled onto one another again. The way I had ducked down so suddenly made pain almost blind me but I stay on my feet 'For Shinsou!'  Shigaraki's voice interrupts my thoughts "We Don't need you anymore! We got what we want. Toga, don't hesitate. Make sure he takes his last breathe here." I freeze. Now I had to make sure I stayed alive long enough for Shinsou to escape. At least   now I knew for sure I wouldn't make it, so lucky me that I know- for the most part what I'm doing. Toga leaps again and I have to leap at Shigaraki to distract him. The familiar and painful feeling of his shoulder and arm being denigrated (I think...? IDK My spelling died a good while ago) We land in a pile of people, I feel a new knife dig closer to my spine. I gasp in pain and find myself unable to get up, confused I look over my shoulder and see Toga sitting on my back while Shigaraki chased after Shinsou. I cursed how weak I was and went limp in surrender, laid my head on the ground, steadied my breathing and closed my eyes. After a "Hm?" Toga got off me and went up to my face I couldn't see her no, but being constantly re-abused by the league for another two years my senses have been sharper. I had taken the knife out of my gut and slashed Toga, I lept to my feet and watched her crumble to the ground. Then I dashed out after Shigaraki I saw him a hand at Shinsou's throat one finger lifted ever so slightly off. "Shigaraki you bastard let him go!" I shouted, It was still June 29th, only 3 in the afternoon my birthday, the bitch and his league turned on me within 15 hours of celebrating me turning 18. I was no longer a minor but instead an adult. Shigaraki paused and looked over his shoulder, he let got of Shinsou leaving the Lavender haired boy laying on the ground his face scrunched in pain but he was watching me with fear in his eyes. Shigaraki launched himself at me and I dodged, just barely and snapped at Shinsou sharply "Well?? Get your ass out of here!" I risk a glance at the boy still frozen on the ground. The lavender haired boy in question didn't move and my eyes scan him for injuries and it lands on a large decayed part of his leg. It was on the knee, he couldn't walk I realize with a jolt. I am pulled back into the moment when Shigaraki throws a punch missing by a centimetre and I didn't even move. He had expected me to move so he aimed slightly off target to hopefully catch me, it was a smart move but I had zoned out and it saved me a punch. I kicked my leg out and Shigaraki was knocked off his feet, I wish I could just kill the guy with a few million volts- wait. 'I could' I pause and smirk then bend down placing my palms flat on Shigaraki's chest. The villain's red bloodshot eyes widened and he lifted a hand to try and use his quirk, I felt his body jolt slightly with the shock as a warning. His hand fell back to the ground and I grinned more "we both know that surrendering now wouldn't save you" I explain calmly and watch his body jolt and his breathing hitch.

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now