.: ~ Home ~ :.

329 11 14

.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :. 

I looked around me cautiously, I was freezing and in a crowd of people. I risked a glance at the rooftops and saw a figure, hunched over, in a black hoodie with a scarf, and looking in the crowd. I looked away instantly, I had thrown Shinsou off my trail but probably not for long so I had to get to the dorm rooms of UA and get my things- wait- They had thought I was dead. Shit. So all my stuff won't be there anymore, well that was a change of plans, I broke off from the crowd and sat in the shaded, even colder alleyway. I shivered and stayed there thinking out my next move.    

.: ~ Time Skip brought to you by: Kaminari's quarter of a brain cell. ~ :.

(Yes He Has a quarter of a braincell- change my mind, I dare you.)

I Finally got up, it was rush hour now- and perfect for me to navigate in until I'm sure I've lost Shinsou. I don't want him to find out- it would get awkward. I walk through the crowd until I got to another alley way, secluded from all action and quiet. I smile to myself trying to make the most of it. I sigh and my face falls, I walk down the alley until the two buildings meet in a wall. My bag of clothes and a few blankets remains, But I still have no food. I found myself wondering if I should try and find something to eat- no. I eventually decided I would wait it out, I hesitantly pulled out my phone again, not to listen to music. I dial the number and call the other end picks up 

(Italics- other person  normal- Kami)

 "I believe you have the wrong number,"  A sad almost flat sounding voice answers me and I look at the phone to make sure I had called the right number- this didn't sound like him...

"No. I have the right one" 

I hear a sob "I'm hearing things"  I hear his voice say faintly before it cleared up some "What do you want?"

Even just hearing the effect my voice has on these people hurts. "To talk to you, wanna meet up at the park?"


"Why not?"

"Don't feel like getting out of bed"


"I'll try... No promises I'll come" 

"Okay," I say cheerfully and force a smile even if he can't see me. 

He hung up instead of responding. I can't believe I did this, I force myself to my feet and walk to the park. I sit at the fountain feeling exposed as there isn't a crowd to hide in and I still wasn't wearing anything but my thin shirt and ripped jeans. After a good while I see a lone figure walking slowly through the park, they had a hoodie on and hood over their head. So I called out the one thing that I had wanted to say for hours now "Kiri?" The figure stops. I leap to my feet and run over "Kiri?" I repeat waiting to hear his voice. I was standing in front of him and lifted his chin so he had to look at me, The person had red eyes- but their hair was black. "Kaminari?" I hear him ask- it was him. 'Why does he look different?' "New look," I answer and he closes his eyes tightly as if holding back tears. 'Shit'  "What's wrong?" I ask softly pulling him into a hug and he lays his head on my chest. 'What have I done to him?'  I think as I feel his body begin to shake in sobs, I slowly crouch as he had completely fallen until we are on the ground. I still don't let go of Kiri. Kiri didn't stop sobbing until he had nothing left to cry but as shaking in emotion, I saw this as a good time to talk but I needed to know something first. "Hey... Kiri- Wanna talk about it?" I ask hesitantly, I see him lift his head and look at me with puffy eyes, he nods slightly. "Don't rush, I'll listen when your ready in your own time... I just want to help" I reassure and he sniffles, I shift closer and put an arm around him to comfort him. Kiri began to whisper and I had to lean in to hear better,

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now