.: ~ Blood ~ :.

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(I think choosing vague titles and the chapter picture is the best part of these chapters, though writing them is a close second!)

.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.


My voice cracks the same painful way it did on that day almost three years ago. I'm almost hoping It's real but something tells me it isn't. My mind is jerked back into my surroundings when I hear a choking sound, I release my grip on his throat and hear him gasping, trying to catch his breathe- wait trying to catch his breathe? 'Why is he trying to catch his breath?' I wonder and My mind goes back to his physical condition, 

'Why is his hair back and a yellow bolt through his hair now?'

'Why was he at my door?'

'Why can't he breathe- never mind that one's obvious'

'But why was he so light and easy to slam against the wall?'

'have I gotten stronger? Or him weaker?'

'Where has he been for the last few years?'

'Several other 1-a students have gone missing too, maybe he knows where they are!'

I bring myself back to my house and am about to start asking questions when I realize Kaminari- or the almost Kaminari- Whoever it was! was no longer there. I look and see my front door wide open and can see a shadow quickly vanishing into the rest. "No way in hell am I going to lose you that easily." I mutter angrily and race out after him.

.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :. 

I jumped down and nailed him in the side of the head with a good amount of voltage, I look around and make sure no one saw me knock him out. I drag him back to base. "What the hell is that" Shigaraki spat and I grinned "My birthday present, by the way thank you!"  "Wait- I said kill him." Shigaraki sounded confused now. "You also said it was my birthday present so.... I'm keeping him." I snap and drag him to a empty, bare room. Compress walks in and we have casual conversation while I make sure the boy in my arms doesn't wake up and while he's setting up the containment. Once it's done I put the boy in there and turned to Compress with a lethal look in my eyes. "Nobody is allowed to touch him. Or guard him for that matter." I snarl and compress nods and rushes out of the room. I follow more slowly. I sit at the bar and Everyone counts down to midnight before screaming in unison (kinda) "Happy Birthday Thunder Dome!!" I smile for the first time in a good while, Their happy birthday was heart warming. We ate cake and I had a few more gifts, including new knives from Toga, marbles from compress, Fire equipment from Dabi, and a coordinate notifier thingy that Kurogiri said would tell him my coordinates and he'd be able to warp me away almost instantly. I thanked all of them and Smiled at Shigaraki who was the only one who hadn't given a gift. I hand him a box "open it up" I tell him kindly. Shigaraki  opened the box keeping a finger up I watch his expression look at me with irritation it was a huge 3ft square box... jammed full of chap stick. "Your welcome" I say smugly and head back towards my room to tuck in early.

A/N I know, another really short chapter but i wanted to post one last one before i passed out on the computer .-. ~ Your Insomniac Author (Word Count: 592)

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now