.: ~ Save Me! ~ :.

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(This one will probably just be in his POV just so you know,)

.: ~ Kaminari's POV ~ :.

I open my eyes with a groan, my head hurts and I'm no longer in that dark, empty, cold room. It's a relief, honestly. I look around trying to figure out where I was though. I notice I'm sitting in a chair, tied up I begin to struggle and feel sharp points dig into my skin until they begin to bleed. I look closer, the chain holding me had short sharp points, that hurt. I look at my surroundings and see blank walls, a bar, couch and television which was channeled to the news. I tune in,

"UA has failed to protect yet another student from a kidnapping-" the reporter gets cut off by Lavender haired boy that I recognize as Shinsou "It's not Ua's fault. They couldn't have done anything, he was in the hospital." his voice was flat, I feel my heart drop to the floor. He didn't care, he was just trying to point the blame from UA so they didn't get in trouble. the reporter continues "Anyways, as I was saying yet another student of UA has been kidnapped by what is assumed the League of Villains!" she paused and whispered "which one was it again?" the filmier whispered something back and she spoke louder "The student Denki Kaminari- wait. new information coming in! The student is missing not kidnapped as there are no signs of being kidnapped." I felt confused. 

  The more I thought about it and tried to make sense of it the more it made my head hurt. "I'm right here!" I shout at the television, my voice cracked and wasn't very loud. 'I've lost my voice?' I lower my head in defeat and try not to listen to the reporter as my struggles did nothing. Someone walked in, I don't dare look up to see who it is. "You better look at me or your life will become closer to a living hell." a raspy voice, I look up cautiously, I knew I was beaten no point in continuing fighting. In front of me stood the man from the USJ attack, I recognized the blue hair, but he didn't have a hand on his face. Damn. He had lips as chapped as fuck. "Good boy" he said with a grin, "I'm not a dog" I say quietly my voice cracking in the process. "well, get used to it." he shot back and someone else walked in, a girl with buns and several knives. I feel my blood go cold, why did she need so many knives? She came closer to me and in self defense I instantly activated my quirk, she jumped back with a shriek dropping her knives "That hurt!" she whined. 'that was the point dipshit.' She continued to whine but I didn't listen, and instead focused on the people around me, the blue haired guy, the blonde girl and a scarred boy, man? I couldn't tell, not without looking up, and I Would Not give them the satisfaction. "Look at us." the blue haired guy said sharply I felt his hand lay itself on my shoulder, suddenly sharp pain shot through me, I looked at my shoulder, it looked like it was disintegrating the blue haired guy was smirking I look up. "Okay!" I rasp my voice still cracking every time I used it. He lifted his hand and I gasped in pain, It hurt so bad! I continue to gasp until the pain ebbed away enough for me to be able to ignore it. I look at the scarred guy, his hair was black and spiky. I made the decision to not speak anymore to them, It wasn't worth it. I looked at them and assigned each a mental name, the blonde girl, Knives the blue hair, chapped lips, and the scarred one burnt toast. "You look like you have something to say." Burnt toast says in a low voice, I shake my head no. "Can I watch you bleed?" Knives asks, I shake my head no again, doing my best to make it slow enough that it isn't panicked. I watch Chapped lips- I take it back Imma call him lips instead.  Anyways, I watch Lips get a drink from the bar from some guy in purple smoke who I'm gonna call, Misty. pfft, Mister Misty. Back on track, Lips gets a drink from Misty and come to me he holds it in front of me "Once you agree to collaborate with us you can have this water." he explains putting it close to me, but I already knew I couldn't reach it.  I shrug, I am gonna die because I am not going to "Collaborate" with these shitheads. whatever that means, Lips walks away and Burnt toast is left alone to watch me when Knives goes off to "play" He narrows his eyes at me then sighs "Can you talk?" his voice was kind, I stiffened before rolling my eyes. 'yes, I can talk stupid.' He sighs "Okay, look, I can tell you have been through a lot." he says and starts taking care of my half gone shoulder I try not to wince "Let's start off on a better note. We can be friends. It doesn't have to be like this." 'he sounds like a song stuck on repeat'  "So lets not be rude to one another, Can you talk?" I growl mentally in frustration "yes." that crack in my almost inaudible voice got under my skin. "okay, is it hard?" I nod this time. "okay, so I'll stick to yes no conversation. Do you think we want to kill you?" I nod, "Do you know what we need when you collaborate?" I shake my head, "So, Your going to be our spy." This made it offical. I was not going to give away my friends. "Not happening." I say grimacing at the crack, "Thought you would say that. Let's make a deal alright? Give being a part of us a shot, a week, and then if you want you can go." Burnt toast offered. I Sigh "Fine." before I know it he's un-tying me and leaving the room. "Stay here. look around if you want but don't leave this room."  I nod and do that, Misty is still as the bar, I walk closer to the television and watch they start talking about Aizawa and class 1-A 'Just one week and I'll be able to leave.' I assure myself before walking to the old couch sitting in there. I hear someone walking into the room but don't look up, Lips gets my attention and leads me somewhere. I follow silently, I ended up being taken to a room, it's black and empty. It reminds me of that hospital room I had been locked away in after accidentally activating my quirk and killing a doctor who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lips tells me to stand in front of him. I listen, I Soon feel stronger, more painful restrains on me, weighing me down. After I hear him back away I look at them, quirk dampening cuffs and I sink to the floor. "Toga! Come here!" Lips calls, and Knives comes skipping in, well now I know her real name. Lips leaves the room, Toga walks over to me, smiling too bright. She takes out her knife, 

(Okay, this is gonna be really descriptive and gore-y? so if you have a imagination that may make you feel sick please don't read this part, I care for you guys, Thanks, ~ Your Author)

She approached me with a glint in her eyes that made my skin crawl, I tried to stand up getting the impression I would need to fight, I shouldn't have believed Burnt Toast. Now I feel betrayed. She trailed the knife lightly along my skin, I wasn't able to get up. At one point she pressed down suddenly and I felt it break skin, I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back a cry. I couldn't give her the pleasure of hearing me cry out. She continued to drag it across my skin then began dragging it along my shirt, ripping the fabric eventually she looked me right in the eye as she buried the knife deep into my stomach dragging it downward I let a cry escape and she smiles. 'Crap.'  I probably just made it ten times worse. I quickly close my eyes but still feel her twisting the knife in the new wound she had just gave me, "Open your eyes! see how cute you are covered in blood?" she says after what felt like forever. I open my eyes trying to get her to leave sooner, and see blood all over the floor and looked at myself to see worse, I could fucking see my insides from what she had done. I'm not sure when she finally left but I was happy she did.   

I Could see black dots in my vision when Burnt Toast walked in "You lied." I growl my voice didn't crack this time but was weak, I knew I was going to die of blood loss soon. Burnt Toast nodded "Had to, I'm not going to hurt you but I will talk with you. I didn't want to talk with him, he had manipulated me into thinking I was safe! The guy sat down beside me not seeming to care about all the blood he just got himself covered in I didn't listen to a word he said simply sitting it out until he left. Then Lips came in and tortured me in a similar way to Toga, then followed a marble guy, and a guy/girl with a magnet all tortured me like toga doing tones of damage to my broken body. I finally passed out.  When I came to again the cycle repeated it self. It never stopped. 

A/N Hi me again! I did my best not to randomly comment, I think I did good. But anyways let me know what you think and Geez, 64 reads? I can't believe that, I know it may sound small compared to other books, but I mean DAMN that is impressive to me! Thanks for reading this, even though it's horrible, anyways I am trying to keep a regular schedule for posting (and am failing) but I intend to post one a day and if I miss one I'll try and make up for how ever many I missed the next time I can write (Word Count: 1775)

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now