.: ~ Missing Memories ~ :.

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(Quick note the song is actually a little relevant, not really but I was listening to it while writing so, do what you want with it.)

.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.

"Who even are you??"

The words sting but I ignore it and try to calm Kaminari down before he makes the stitches worse. Recovery Girl couldn't get close without being shocked and Aizawa had just left to go home, luckily he had let me stay with Kaminari. I remained beside the bed, I could tell he was panicking by the frantic way he was breathing and the look in his eyes. My mind started to whirl with different ways to at least make Kaminari trust Recovery Girl a little more. I called Mina over praying she'd come and help, the pink girl burst through the doors and looked at Kaminari "Kaminari!" she exclaimed with a smile. "Mina...?" he was obviously now confused but still ready to flee should the need arise. "Glad to see you on your feet" she exclaimed, the noise seemed to hurt his ears as he flinched slightly. She took a step towards him, arms outstretched for what looked like a hug but the air crackled as more electricity came from Kaminari. She instantly stepped back and looked hesitant for a moment as she thought, Kaminari's eyes kept glancing around at us, me Mina and Recovery Girl. 

"1,2,3  1,2,3" Mina said suddenly and softly. 

Kaminari's eyes darted to her and he looked puzzled I was no better, my mind had been thrown in a loop. She continued after a moment of silence that Kirishima walked in on "1,2,3  1,2,3  1,2,3" Kaminari's breathing slowed to the pace she said the numbers at. "You know that he trusts you," She glanced at me and I realize she's singing a song "And i know that he loves you." 

"Somehow you convinced me again." Kirishima finished seeming to know where this was going. Kaminari looked calmer, maybe it was a song he knew and liked? I was gonna have to listen to it later, sounded good. They continued singing and I quietly hummed along, Kaminari was silent but the electricity had toned down a lot, long enough for the generators to come on. 

"But like a knife in the woods yeah, you hunt Down The Good in Me"

Kaminari surprised me, I hadn't known he could sing and I listen as Mina and Kirishima calm him down and convince him to sit on the bed and relax. I felt some worry lift off my shoulders I decide to leave since Kirishima and Mina seem to have it under control. I head to my own dorm, and lay on my bed face in the dark sheets. I hear someone knocking on my door, "Go away" I say loudly to make sure they hear me even though my face is buried in my bed. The knock comes again a little more harshly, "I said Go away!" I snap sitting up and facing the door- it was wide open. Bakugou was knocking on the side of it a unusual calm in his red eyes "Stop moping arou-"  He was cut off as I slam the door in face, "Go Away!" I snap. I wasn't known to be aggressive when it came to others but I just needed to be alone. Bakugou wasn't having that "Eye bags let me talk okay??" he wasn't yelling in fact, it was a regular voice, I didn't know why Bakugou was acting like that.   I pause and fall silent letting Bakugou's words carry through the door as I keep my back pressed firmly against it acting as a barricade. "I heard what happened.." I almost stop him right then but bite my tongue as he continued "You like him didn't ya." 'shut up,' he doesn't though, "Come on out and hang out with me. May sound weird but I'm trying to help Kaminari's friend. So stop moping around and get your ass out here." 'Friend??' I sigh as I sense he finally finishes. "No." I'm not going to do shit. If he tries to drag me out, I'll brainwash him. I hear what sounds like a growl 'good. I'm getting on his nerves, he'll lose patience become reckless and leave. either because of me or because he done.' I sneer mentally and wait until I believe he's gone. I then get up, put on my headphones lay back on my bed and find the song that Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari had sung earlier.I hear another knock and I turn up my volume "Go away." I look up and see Sero, Bakugou and Kirishima standing in my doorway. I turn my back to them not bothering to turn down the music, I didn't want to hear them. "I said just go away!" I snap Someone tackles me in a hug. My headphones fall off as I almost follow them tumbling off the bed, I twist and shove who ever was holding me to the ground with a foot. Kirishima, lay shocked on the ground, Bakugou's eyes flare and he takes a step forwards "Give him space shitty hair." 'Who's side is this jerk on?' I wonder keeping my eyes trained on them ready to brainwash them or fight if I must to keep my distance. "Okay, okay, Keeping my distance." Kirishima said as he stood with a wince and backed up "Go." I say sharply "B-" I hear Sero protesting "GO!" I snap angrily and they ran out following Sero who I had brainwashed. I deactivate my quirk and pick my headphones from the floor and put them away and laid aimlessly on my bed. 

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now